Pitbull Guide

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Feeding the Pit bull Terrier with Right Dog Food

The pit bull terrier owners want to give the best to these lovely pet as they love them so much. Providing best nutrition is one way of caring the pit bull terrier. Wide variety of dog foods is available in the market. Not all of them have well balanced nutrients. It is better buy from reputed company as they have in built lab to test the quality of the products routinely.

The dog foods are available as wet dog food as well as dry dog food. The dry dog foods are cheaper. Those who have more number of dogs prefer dry dog food, because it will cost them less as they need to feed more mouth. The quality and the nutritive value of the dry food vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.

The biggest advantage of dry food is that it can purchase in large quantities and store for considerable time. The dog owner needs not to spend time and money on repeated store visit. Besides, the owner also can bargain for better discount as he buys in bulk. Serving the dry food is also easy as all one has to do is just place it in the bowl and add water if required. But, the pet owner has to be wary as the dry food stored for too long will lose the nutritive value gradually.

Wet foods or the semi moist dog foods are also available in the market under various brand names. The semi –moist dogs food usually contain 25 per cent of water and meat products, thus making the food very popular among the dog. Semi moist dog foods are not very good for the health of the dog in the long run because of their high sugar content. The teeth of the dog get affected because of the high sugar content. The semi moist dogs have number of additives and preservatives which make the food very costly. The additives and the preservatives create health hazards in the long run. This is the reason for the dog owners prefer to refrain from buying the semi moist dog food, though it is highly preferred by the, dogs such as pit bull terrier.

The pit bull terrier dog owners, like other proud pet dog owners can go in for canned food also. The canned foods are very convenient for the owners as they offer one full meal in one can. The canned dog foods are generally made out of animal by products and the moisture content is more when compared to the other types of dog food. The canned foods contain very less preservatives and are very easily digested by the dog. But one disadvantage in canned food is that it is costly.

Whatever may be the type of food, it is advised strongly that the owner should read the label in detail, understand the ingredients and make appropriate decision before buying the same. The owner need not to buy costly food but should be a smart shopper. Pit bull terrier should not be fed too much and but the food that is offered should contain sufficient nutrients. Besides, the pit bull terrier should be put in to tough exercise schedule. Care should be taken in selecting the food accordingly.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Three Pitbull weight Training Secrets

Pit bulls are all the rage among the pet dog lovers. These are sturdy looking animals and have great strength. The pit bulls look bulkier and muscular even when you look at them from a distance. At times the well toned body of the pit-bull become saggy. The pit bull may put on more weight than required. This will not only affect the look of the dog but also the heath of the dog.

The over weight pit bulls are more prone for health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases etc. No one pet owner will like to have his lovely pet like this. Hence keeping the pit bull in shape is very essential. This can be achieved, provided the pet owner should be willing to subject the pit bull for weight training program. Let’s discuss about three important weight training methods for pit bull to keep them absolutely fit.
Healthy eating

Food is the very important thing as far as health is concerned. This holds good for all the creatures. The pit-bull is not an exception to this. The pit bull must be provided healthy food that is rich in required nutrients from the word go. The raw diet is recommended for the pit bull. The commercial foods are not at required; hence don’t ever think of going for them.
The normal dog food can be mixed in hamburger and can be given to the pit bull. There is no need for hesitation in providing complete raw food to the pit bull because it is much better to the health of the dog. The raw food is superior to the other foods because the contaminants are eliminated from the body of the pit bull completely. The pit bull dog will be ready for the training program you are planning to subject the dog to.
Short walks

The pit bull should be taken for short walk on daily basis. This is good not only for the dog but also to the owner. To start will one need to walk at least 3 miles per day. But, gradually, the distance should be increased to 5 miles per day.

This is not going to be difficult. There is no need to think, that the pit bull will not cooperate. The pit bulls are basically very strong animals and hence will endure this walking program. By this way, the pit bull can be made to look very fit. Walking is one of the best aerobic exercises. The lung, heart and all other pats of the body gets rejuvenated.
Long walks

Once the pit bull and the owner are used to the short walk, the long walk can be practiced. The long walk can be practiced not more than once or twice a week. Long walk means, the pit bull and the owner must walk for 10 miles at least in one go. This long walk not only makes the pit bull strong and fit, but also makes the dog calm. The pit bull may get tired, initially. But once should not loose heart. He should force the dog to follow. Very soon, pit bull will learn to go for long walk.