Pitbull Guide

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Most Common Pit Bull Disease- Hip Dysplasia

Canine hip dysplasia
is of late very common in dogs of all breeds. The pit bulls are the worst affected by this problem. This orthopedic problem results due to improper hip and thigh bone connection. As the result the affected dog will experience severe pain and the disease problem may result in permanent crippling in advanced cases. Canine hip dysplasia is genetically transmitted disease but the problem here is that as more number of genes involved, preventing the disease is bit complicated. One can not rule out the environment factor in this canine hip dysplasia. Environmental factor like growth factor influences the onset of the disease and hence the canine hipdysplasia poses great challenge to the scientists.

In general canine hipdysplasia affects the larger breeds but many canine hip dysplasia cases noticed in all breeds of dogs irrespective of the size. Good news is that the scientists are working hard to find the preventive measures for this hip dysplasia and they will succeed very soon. The pit bull dog owners can concentrate of detecting the problem early so that the dog’s life can be saved and the dog can be made to lead relatively comfortable life.

As we discussed earlier early detection is the key in canine hip dysplasia. But the early detection is not all that easy, one should understand. In case of any doubt, the dog should be taken to the veterinarian without wasting any time. The veterinarian will examine the dog physically. The vet will subject the dog to sit, stand and walk and will observe the movements very closely.
The veterinarian will look for suggestive signs such as lameness, side to side swinging gait, over developed front leg, arched back etc. then the vet will examine the hip joint very closely. The range of motions of the hip joint and the pain in the joint will be examined. The vet will also look for the click sound at the hip joint while making the dog walk and grating sound of the bone will also be watched to assess the loss of cartilage. Finally the vet will take the radiograph of the hip joint to confirm the diagnosis.

There is no need for the pet owner to get panic once the canine hip dysplasia is confirmed. There are so many medical and surgical procedures available to relieve the discomfort and to restore the mobility of the affected dog. The medical procedure generally aimed at reducing the weight of the dog and to reduce the pain and the inflammation of the hip joint. In case the medical procedures are not bringing about desired results, one can think of orthopaedic surgery. Now a days the orthopaedic surgery is so advanced that the doctors can completely replace the affected joints if they could not correct the mechanical defectes caused by the hip-dysplasia. Most of the veterinarians will attempt three pronged medical treatment. The first attempt will be at reducing the weight of the dog in order to reduce the stress on the affected joint. The second attempt will be at reducing the activity of the dog. The third will be surgical intervention.

Monday, September 05, 2011

Pit bull and Rottweiler Liabilities not Covered

In United States of America, two breeds of dogs are responsible for fatal attacks on human beings. Fifty two persons have died due to the pit bull attack and twelve persons have died due to rottweiler attack in the last three years. According to the survey conducted by US centre for disease control over eight lakh dog bites are reported every year.

If you are living in southern California then you are safe because dog bite injury compensation is very much available there. There are many attorneys who are specialists in this kind of claim in that part of the America.

As a matter of fact most of the dog bite victims are children. The reason is very simple. The children play with the dogs more than the adults and the children tend play roughly which may provoke the dog to bite. The children could not understand the warning signs of the provoked dog and easily fall a prey to the dog attack. where as the story is little different in case of pit bulls because the pit bull bites all of a sudden and the children could not escape as the pit bulls will over power them as they are heavy and robust. The pit bulls weigh about 30 to 40 pounds easily which too much for most of the children.

Pit bulls attack the adults too. Six out of the fifty two people who died due to pit bull attack are more than 65 years old. In that two were attacked in their own yards. As mentioned earlier the pit bull attack has no prior warning at all. Though the pit bull attacks the adults and children alike the children are traumatized more than the adults. In some cases the children are attacked in the presence of adults. The adults could not protect the child as they are over powered by the pit bull’s size and strength. Because of this increased number of attacks by the pit bull, there is people movement to eliminate pit bull breed in some parts of the America.

There is a problem in making the law against this totally unpredictable aggressive breed of dog. There is no clear genetic study that confirms that these dogs are really uncontrollable. Besides the agency which tests the temperament of the various dog breeds could not confirm that pit bulls are the worst. The pet owners must under stand that most of the insurance companies exclude pit bull, rottweilers, huskies and American bull dog from the liability portion of the policy. In this case the pet owners should compensate the damage caused to the sufferer.

There is piece of information. If you are injured by the pit bull attack in Los Angeles, there is no need to worry as there are plenty of attorneys who are very well experienced in handling those cases in the court of law. If those are approached, your monetary loss can be covered as those attorneys are expert in protecting the dog attack victim rights.

Monday, August 29, 2011


The pit bulls puppies are noticed in different colors and the pit bulls are named according to the color like white pit bulls, black pit bulls and red pit bulls. These pit bulls are much sought after as they are liked by many. Blue pit bulls and red pit bulls are very much in demand next to the white pit bulls.

Though the breed characteristic is one and the same, some people prefer dogs that have the coat color matching their taste. Among the white pit bull there are many different varieties. One such variety is moo mo0 pit bulls. These pit bulls have white coat color with black patters running around like a dairy cow. The most characteristic feature is the present black patch around the eye of the pit bull. People go crazy to buy these moo moo pit bulls. This variety is very freely available in the market. The reason could be nothing but too much breeding to meet out the demand.

There is negative propaganda going on in media about the pit bulls. They report that the pit bulls are very trouble some and are uncontrollable. The poor pit bulls do not deserve this bad name. In fact the pit bulls are lovely dogs. American temperament society performs test on the various breeds of dog to understand their temperament. Year after year, the pit bulls score good mark and are found to have better temperament than many other breeds. To make it very clear, the pit bull temperament is much better than the small poodle breed. This American society performs test in so many other breeds such as dachshund, Pomeranian, beagle, coolie etc. all these breeds have score lesser than pit bull when it comes to temperament.

One should understand very clearly that white pit bulls are just the same when the characters, aggressiveness, temperament etc are concerned. Only coat color is white nothing else. One should evaluate whether pit bull is the right choice for his taste or not and should go-ahead, that is all. The white color hardly matters except the appealing.

Those who can spend quality time with the dog only should go in for pit bulls. This is must because the pit bulls require more attention than many other breeds of dog. Besides the person should have sufficient place to house as the pit bulls are very playful. The person should have required money to provide sufficient training and exercise to the pit bull. If sufficient exercise is not provided, then pit bull will put on more weight which will result in unwanted health problems.

As these pit bulls are robust and aggressive in nature, proper training is also must. The dogs should be provided healthy food to meet out the requirement of the pit bulls active life style. The pit bulls should be provided home made as the processed foods are not suited to them. Pit bulls irrespective of the color coat require toys to play with. The white pit bull puppy should be purchased considering all these factors.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


House breaking any puppy is not all that easy and is very challenging. If that is the case, house breaking for the pit bull is not going to be easy. As a dog owner house breaking is an absolute necessity. That too if one want to keep their pit bull in doors then there is no other way around.
Starting the house breaking as early as possible is the best. The veterinarians advise that the pit bull puppy must be trained for house breaking at the age of eight weeks. Pit bulls require repetions and hence it is very essential to follow daily routeing and practices every day without any exception.

The pit bulls are very sensitive animal and require lot of attention. Please ensure that these dogs are constantly under close observation so that they will feel secure and the training will become easy. At least one family member must be at home all the time during the house breaking time which will make the process much simpler.

The pit bull must be provided designated space and one should make the dog understand that. The selected space should be liked by the dog and the area should be located in such a way that the cleaning process is easy. Let the floor should offer little grip to the dog so that the possible slip can be avoided. The area should have proper bedding material, food, water, toys etc. it is advisable to have a closed area for the pit bull and the dog should be kept in doors when the owner is away. The gate should be partially open so that dog will not fell confined. If the door is partially open the pit bull can have a look at the outside though locked inside.

When the owner is at home, he or she should spend quality time with the pit bull as this breed is attention lover. Make it a point you take him outside the house every 30 minutes or so. Try to talk to him and reward him for any work done by him, however small it may be. The praise and the reward will make the pit bull happy and he will follow the instruction diligently. The pit bull will catch the good habit very fast.

One should expect in advance that there can be accidents at home for the pit bull puppy. The accidents are inevitable in spite of the precaution. Never think of punishing the puppy for the accidents as these dogs will take it otherwise and tend to be more aggressive. One has to be patient during the house breaking and should be aware that house breaking is a long and slow process and can not happen over a night. More the attention given to the pit bull faster will be the house breaking process. The relationship the pit bull owner builds with the dog during the house breaking process will lasts long and the dog will never ever forget the love and affection shown to him.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Care and Feeding Tips for your Pet Pit Bull’s well being

Many are of the opinion that pit bulls are very ferocious, aggressive hard to control etc, but in reality pit bulls are very lovable, affectionate, caring dogs, very few are aware of this fact. The pit bulls are heavily built, have immense power and very strong mind. These animals do not get friendly with those who are timid and lazy. The pit bull owner must have real interest in having these dogs as they require affectionate, playful and energetic owner.

Pit bulls are not dangerous animals than most of the other breeds of the dogs, they are more energetic and active, and that is all. People have formed wrong opinion about pit bull breed because media reports in a big way the small misdeeds done by few dogs somewhere. The media tries to spot light these dogs in negative way for the reason best known to them. When pit bull is trained properly, they are sure to behave very well.

If the owner wants a loyal and affectionate dog breed, then he should choose only pit bull. These dogs enjoy the kissing, caressing, licking etc very much. These dogs enjoys greatly when the owner sits close with them. These dogs will love to sit in the lap of the owners. Pit bull likes to spend most of their time in side the house if proper exercise was given to them. Proper training and socializing must for the pit bulls. Only then they will not make a fuss when a friend or other domestic help comes to your house.

As discussed pit bulls requires proper training. The training should start as soon as the pit bull comes to your house. The training process is expensive and time consuming but one has endure this ordeal as it will provide you wonderful loving pit bull once the training gets over. The pit bulls are strong minded animals hence once should train the pit bull with love and affection. The pit bulls get agitated if scolded, ordered or punished. Hence as much as possible, the training period should pass with reward and affection.

The pit bull puppies are quick learners and will not much trouble while under training. The pit bull training must include crate training so that the pit bulls will have a safe place to spend its time. Crate training is very useful as the pit bull will spend its time in crate when no body is at home with it. By this one can be sure that the pit bull will not damage other house hold material. The pit bulls have to be kept in doors when the owner is not at home as some body can steal the dog. Please remember that the pit bulls are most sorts after dogs always.

The pit bulls have short hair and hence will have very normal shedding. Grooming reduces the shedding and the pit bulls love grooming very much. If the pit bull does not get dirty, there is no need to bath. Three to four times bathing in a year is more than sufficient. Pit bulls should never be fed processed food. Home made food with required nutrient is the best.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Best Dog Toys for Pitbull Terriers

The pit bulls should be provided with toys for play, no doubt about it. But the care should be taken while selecting the toys. The toys should not cause any harm to the pit bull. This poses big challenge to the owners because the pit bulls are very strong and aggressive and the toys will be easily damaged thus causing injuries to the dog. The pit bulls are also not easily pleased with the toys as they are very choosy when comes to the toy. The pit bulls toy may be expensive but they will surely prevent your own belongings getting damaged by the pit bull.

Galileo bone is the toy that most pit bull owners prefer. This toy is produced by nylabone and found to be very strong and hence liked by any pit bull. As this toy lasts long the pit bull owners are happy that the money spent on the toy is worth it. Nylabone has also come out with yet another toy called crazy ball which is also equally preferred by the pit bull owners.

Kong toys are the other famous pit bull toy available in the market and these toys available in different colours and sizes. The pit bull favourites can be stuffed in to this toy and the pit bull love to chew their treat. As this toy is very strong, it does not get damaged that easily. One can see pit bull spending hours together playing with this toy. Few companies do make interactive toys are those are very much in demand as they are preferred by the pit bulls immensely. These toys will have lights and sounds that will arouse the interest of the pit bulls, thus making them play for long ours with it.

Plush toys are also preferred by the pit bull very much. Here one should be careful in selecting the toy that does not have detachable or removable small parts. These parts may get entry in to the mouth of the pit bull thus causing great trouble. The owner must supervise the pit bull while it is playing with this type of toys.

Rope toy are also all the rage of late. These toys are very useful in cleaning the teeth of the pit bull. The owner needs to involve himself and play with the pit bull. This way both the beast and the master get work out. Pit bulls just love the tug of war matches, rope toys are just suitable for such games. The pit bull owner must be very careful while using these rope toys. The toys should not be pulled with full force as it may accidentally break the teeth of the lovely pet.

Balls are all time favorite for any type of dogs. The material with which the balls are made is point of consideration. The material used should be hard enough to survive the wear and tear caused by the usage. The material should not be toxic. The material should result in any kind of allergy to the pit bull. The size of the ball should be such that it should not get in to the mouth of the pit bull.

Saturday, August 06, 2011


Pit bull puppy is as you know, strong and hefty. These puppies have strong and very powerful jaws. Many people like to adopt these puppies because of their robust body and attractive physique. These are lovely animal are very playful, energetic, and always want to be among people. These cute puppies learn quickly to get well along with the children. Getting a new pit bull puppy is very easy, but to be a good owner, one should know how to take care of these lovely puppies. Let’s try and get few inputs from this article.


One has to remember, that the purchased or adopted pit bull puppy should be comfortable at the new house. After all, the young puppy has come out of his companion and mother. By providing neat comfortable place and placing nice comfortable bed, we can calm down the anxiety of the puppy. It is better to spend some timer with the puppy and roam around with him all over the house which will help to great extend.

Health care

The pet owner should contact the near by veterinarian at the earliest. Once the appointment is fixed, the pit bull puppy has to be taken and subjected to thorough health check up. The vaccination schedule must be designed. The first vaccination starts at 6 weeks of age. There after the pit bull puppy needs to be vaccinated once in three to four weeks till they reach 16-20 weeks old. The puppies can also be screened for worm infestation a treated accordingly


Though the pit-bull puppies are strong looking, the digestive system is very delicate. Hence at most care should be taken while planning its food. To start with small quantity of food should be given, but the food should be rich in nutrients. It is recommended that one should refrain from adding soy, corn and wheat in the food.


As we know, that the pit bull puppies are very energetic, we should keep them safe and should not allow them to get hurt. They start running around the house and dash at the objects that come in their way, thus getting hurt. Proper care should be taken to confine them in a place which has no sharp objects. The children also should be advised to play with them smoothly and gently.


The pit bull puppies require training at early stage. At 3 -4 weeks age one can start the training. Earlier training will help us in subduing the natural aggression of the pit bull. If we start the training latter, then it will be difficult to control the natural aggression. Young puppies will listen and obey the command with ease. If allowed to grown older without training, then the puppy will grow as violent adult dog, which is undesirable. One can start the training with simple commands and then go on as per the schedule.

Just by following the tips mentioned one can become good owner of a pit bull puppy.

Friday, July 08, 2011


Pit bull breed is so popular among those who want have an aggressive pet dog. Getting pit bull puppy is very easy as there are many breeders who have this pit bull breed as there are more takers for this. But, one should know how to select good the pit bull puppy. Getting answer for this is not going to be easy. One has to spend quality time with the breeder, veterinarian, other pit bull owners etc. lets discuss few useful information about pit bull puppy selection here

Rescue is one of the options that many will not be aware. Many beautiful pit bull puppies that have good behaviour are abandoned every day for varied reasons. Such puppies are usually housed in shelter. Just walk in to few shelters that are near you to look for the puppies that suit your imagination.

The problem here, you will not know the right age of the puppy. You will not know the pedigree details. You will not know the vaccination history.

In most cases, the pit bull is abandoned because of its aggression. You should be prepared to take care of this aggressive puppy. Of course by proper training, the pit bull puppy can be made to behave properly. The biggest advantage is that the puppies are not costly here and you have the satisfaction of providing home to the abandoned pet. A noble job, indeed.

The pit bull puppy can be purchased from a breeder. The breeder should be knowledgeable and responsible. A good breeder will ask you so many questions to know your seriousness in having pit bull. Never get annoyed. You can also select the breeder based on the reference. Never pay the money in advance. You visit the breeder in person, see the facilities, and check on his reputation. Take few referral addresses where he had sold the pit bull puppy and take their opinion, before placing the order.

If possible, try and have a look at the parents of the puppy you had selected. Find out their health records. If possible have a discussion with the veterinarian who provides health care to the pit bull parents. You can check whether the breeder is registered with UKC and /or ADBA. Mere registration can not be considered as full proof certification because this registration does not require genetic testing.

The puppy should not have any skin problems. The puppy should not be seen scratching. Check the fur completely for any patches or flea infestation. The puppy should not have any discharges from the nose, ear or eye. There should not be any red tracks in the eye of the puppy. Possibly it is infected with deadly parvo virus. Not worth taking a risk.

The puppy should be energetic and walk or run without any difficulty. The puppy should be well nourished. You can also have check on the food provided to the puppy. Home made food is much better than the low cost commercial food. If one follows the suggestion discussed here, he will sure end up purchasing one good pit bull puppy.

Friday, July 01, 2011

How to Pick-up Pitbull Puppies?

Pit bull breed is so popular among those who want have an aggressive pet dog. Getting pit bull puppy is very easy as there are many breeders who have this pit bull breed as there are more takers for this. But, one should know how to select good the pit bull puppy. Getting answer for this is not going to be easy. One has to spend quality time with the breeder, veterinarian, other pit bull owners etc. lets discuss few useful information about pit bull puppy selection here

Rescue is one of the options that many will not be aware. Many beautiful pit bull puppies that have good behavior are abandoned every day for varied reasons. Such puppies are usually housed in shelter. Just walk in to few shelters that are near you to look for the puppies that suit your imagination.

The problem here, you will not know the right age of the puppy. You will not know the pedigree details. You will not know the vaccination history.

In most cases, the pit bull is abandoned because of its aggression. You should be prepared to take care of this aggressive puppy. Of course by proper training, the pit bull puppy can be made to behave properly. The biggest advantage is that the puppies are not costly here and you have the satisfaction of providing home to the abandoned pet. A noble job, indeed.

The pit bull puppy can be purchased from a breeder. The breeder should be knowledgeable and responsible. A good breeder will ask you so many questions to know your seriousness in having pit bull. Never get annoyed. You can also select the breeder based on the reference. Never pay the money in advance. You visit the breeder in person, see the facilities, and check on his reputation. Take few referral addresses where he had sold the pit bull puppy and take their opinion, before placing the order.

If possible, try and have a look at the parents of the puppy you had selected. Find out their health records. If possible have a discussion with the veterinarian who provides health care to the pit bull parents. You can check whether the breeder is registered with UKC and /or ADBA. Mere registration can not be considered as full proof certification because this registration does not require genetic testing.

The puppy should not have any skin problems. The puppy should not be seen scratching. Check the fur completely for any patches or flea infestation. The puppy should not have any discharges from the nose, ear or eye. There should not be any red tracks in the eye of the puppy. Possibly it is infected with deadly parvo virus. Not worth taking a risk.

The puppy should be energetic and walk or run without any difficulty. The puppy should be well nourished. You can also have check on the food provided to the puppy. Home made food is much better than the low cost commercial food. If one follows the suggestion discussed here, he will sure end up purchasing one good pit bull puppy.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Feeding the Pit bull Terrier with Right Dog Food

The pit bull terrier owners want to give the best to these lovely pet as they love them so much. Providing best nutrition is one way of caring the pit bull terrier. Wide variety of dog foods is available in the market. Not all of them have well balanced nutrients. It is better buy from reputed company as they have in built lab to test the quality of the products routinely.

The dog foods are available as wet dog food as well as dry dog food. The dry dog foods are cheaper. Those who have more number of dogs prefer dry dog food, because it will cost them less as they need to feed more mouth. The quality and the nutritive value of the dry food vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.

The biggest advantage of dry food is that it can purchase in large quantities and store for considerable time. The dog owner needs not to spend time and money on repeated store visit. Besides, the owner also can bargain for better discount as he buys in bulk. Serving the dry food is also easy as all one has to do is just place it in the bowl and add water if required. But, the pet owner has to be wary as the dry food stored for too long will lose the nutritive value gradually.

Wet foods or the semi moist dog foods are also available in the market under various brand names. The semi –moist dogs food usually contain 25 per cent of water and meat products, thus making the food very popular among the dog. Semi moist dog foods are not very good for the health of the dog in the long run because of their high sugar content. The teeth of the dog get affected because of the high sugar content. The semi moist dogs have number of additives and preservatives which make the food very costly. The additives and the preservatives create health hazards in the long run. This is the reason for the dog owners prefer to refrain from buying the semi moist dog food, though it is highly preferred by the, dogs such as pit bull terrier.

The pit bull terrier dog owners, like other proud pet dog owners can go in for canned food also. The canned foods are very convenient for the owners as they offer one full meal in one can. The canned dog foods are generally made out of animal by products and the moisture content is more when compared to the other types of dog food. The canned foods contain very less preservatives and are very easily digested by the dog. But one disadvantage in canned food is that it is costly.

Whatever may be the type of food, it is advised strongly that the owner should read the label in detail, understand the ingredients and make appropriate decision before buying the same. The owner need not to buy costly food but should be a smart shopper. Pit bull terrier should not be fed too much and but the food that is offered should contain sufficient nutrients. Besides, the pit bull terrier should be put in to tough exercise schedule. Care should be taken in selecting the food accordingly.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Three Pitbull weight Training Secrets

Pit bulls are all the rage among the pet dog lovers. These are sturdy looking animals and have great strength. The pit bulls look bulkier and muscular even when you look at them from a distance. At times the well toned body of the pit-bull become saggy. The pit bull may put on more weight than required. This will not only affect the look of the dog but also the heath of the dog.

The over weight pit bulls are more prone for health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases etc. No one pet owner will like to have his lovely pet like this. Hence keeping the pit bull in shape is very essential. This can be achieved, provided the pet owner should be willing to subject the pit bull for weight training program. Let’s discuss about three important weight training methods for pit bull to keep them absolutely fit.
Healthy eating

Food is the very important thing as far as health is concerned. This holds good for all the creatures. The pit-bull is not an exception to this. The pit bull must be provided healthy food that is rich in required nutrients from the word go. The raw diet is recommended for the pit bull. The commercial foods are not at required; hence don’t ever think of going for them.
The normal dog food can be mixed in hamburger and can be given to the pit bull. There is no need for hesitation in providing complete raw food to the pit bull because it is much better to the health of the dog. The raw food is superior to the other foods because the contaminants are eliminated from the body of the pit bull completely. The pit bull dog will be ready for the training program you are planning to subject the dog to.
Short walks

The pit bull should be taken for short walk on daily basis. This is good not only for the dog but also to the owner. To start will one need to walk at least 3 miles per day. But, gradually, the distance should be increased to 5 miles per day.

This is not going to be difficult. There is no need to think, that the pit bull will not cooperate. The pit bulls are basically very strong animals and hence will endure this walking program. By this way, the pit bull can be made to look very fit. Walking is one of the best aerobic exercises. The lung, heart and all other pats of the body gets rejuvenated.
Long walks

Once the pit bull and the owner are used to the short walk, the long walk can be practiced. The long walk can be practiced not more than once or twice a week. Long walk means, the pit bull and the owner must walk for 10 miles at least in one go. This long walk not only makes the pit bull strong and fit, but also makes the dog calm. The pit bull may get tired, initially. But once should not loose heart. He should force the dog to follow. Very soon, pit bull will learn to go for long walk.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Top Five Pitbull Diseases

Nowadays Pitbull terriers are being raised by more households owing to its character of ferociousness. This make the pit bull terriers as a preferred breed among the dog owners. But Pit bulls are more prone for few diseases. It is mandatory for the dog owners to get to know about the top five pitbull diseases.

1. Gastric Disorders

Pit bulls are more prone for these diseases. The dog will go for bloat if it is very active after its meal. The stomach gets twisted and the propulsion of the digested food will be prevented, which in turn lead to gas formation and bloat. Bloat is fatal if unattended in time.

2. Von Willenbrands Disease Type 1

Although this is not common among pitbull's, it is noticed among the pit bull's than any other breed. The affected dog will bleed profusely with no clotting mechanism.

3. Hip Dysplasia

This is one of the top fivc pit bull diseases. As Pit bulls are heavier breed, at 18 months of age, the femur bone (thigh bone) periodically slips out of the pelvis causing extreme pain, but is not fatal. Your vet can easily identify it.

4. Congenital Heart disease

While getting a new pup, immediately subject the pit bull pup for veterinary examination to diagonose whether it is suffering from heart ailments like pericardial disease, PDA (patent ductus arteriosis), and valvular disease.

5. Environmental Allergies

Flea saliva allergy is the most common environmental allergen that causes problem to your pit bull. In addition to this, the pit bulls develop allergies to certain foods, grass, wool, tobacco smoke, and pollen. Your vet can examine the actual cause of the allergy and suggest suitable remedial measure to get out of this condition.

Once you get to know about the pit bull diseases, you can easily prevent the occurrence of the same among your dog.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Pitbull Puppy Training - Nightmare?

Pitbull Puppy training is not a Herculean task at younger age. If the age of your pup crosses six months, it is always difficult to bring him in the groove. Then pitbull will become as your head-ache. So, the pitbull puppy training should be given at an early age.

Unlike other dogs, pitbull dogs have TONS of energy! That’s why they require more exercise to drain out the excess energy. Before selecting this breed as your pet, you should make sure that you are able to provide enough channels to release energy. Providing pitbull puppy training for hyperactive dog is not at all successful.

The best way to release excess energy is to buy a second pitbull puppy as this playmate will allow your puppy to spend excess energy. In addition to this, mixing with another dog will be helpful for your pitbull puppy to get mingled with other dogs easily.

Generally, pitbulls are known for aggression towards other dogs. Hence, the pitbull puppy training should include mixing your puppy with other dogs at an early age. More over, keeping your pitbull puppy around small children will also be a part of grooming your dog as per your desire.

If you want to make your pitbull more sociable, then introduce them to as many new social situations as possible.

As Pitbulls are more intelligent, training should be started at an early age. You can begin with one word command like “sit”, “stand” and “No” as early as 9-10 weeks. Pitbull training sessions should be performed by each and every family member in order to mix the pitbulls with all of your family members.

As age advances, your pitbull dog’s attention span will increase. Now, you can start advanced training. During the advanced training sessions, one family member should initiate the training. Each session should not long last for 10-12 minutes.

Initially pitbull puppy training may be nightmare. But patience is a best treatment for pitbull puppy training. You should wait until he crosses 10 weeks old. But it is always advisable to get in touch with animal handlers or dog trainers to train them. If you don’t want to waste money, you can simply train your dog using the book – “THE PITBULL GUIDE”.