Pitbull Guide

Monday, January 29, 2007

Pit Bull and Overpopulation

The pit bull and their over population is the problem faced by the society at present. Every day more and more pit bulls and the other dogs are brought to the rescue centers .This makes it difficult for these rescue centers, most of them are voluntary organizations. These organizations stretch beyond their limits to accommodate these animals.

There few reason for this--

  1. More dogs are sent back to the rescue centers because the owners have become victims of curse of cute.
  2. The breeders tend to breed more dogs because they think that they can sell more dogs due to their popularity.
  3. The breeders, most of them tend to breed incorrect dogs in order to maximize the profit there by neglecting the true breed characters.
  4. This kind of unsound dogs will roam freely as stray dogs, biting people. Those dogs will be brought to the rescue centers.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Cute Puppies of Pitbull

Pit bull puppies are really cute; there is not even iota of doubt about it. In this article let us discuss about the puppies [pit bull] and the impact of their presence in the dog population.

The pit bull puppies are looking great and cute, all right. Most of the people who have a look at the pit bull puppies will get engrossed in the puppy’s cuteness. There the problem starts; we call it a pit bull puppy lust.

Pit bull puppy lust, most of the dog lovers would have really experienced this. They cannot resist the feeling of fondling the puppies that run here and there with their tiny legs. There is hardly anybody who doesn’t want them to pet. This feeling is quite natural.

You see, most of the people, they need to admit to this world that they do the same thing, I mean fondling.

The ladies especially love to get near them, take those [cute babies] in their hand and start cajoling them. There is hardly anybody who thinks that this act is crazy. Some call it; I mean this act, as the curse of cute.

Very few people can resist this curse of cute. As the result most of them will take a spontaneous decision of buying those cute looking pit bull puppies having equally cute looking eyes. They will realize that what they have done is a mistake only after few months.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

A pit bull can be right dog for you...

The pit bulls are aggressive, agreed. The press report is very bad about the pit bull because of the same aggressiveness. In spite of all these dis-advantages pit bulls are excellent pet animals. The reason is that pit bulls are very intelligent, very loyal, loves to play with children and crave for love and affection.

The aggressive nature of the pit bulls is because these dogs were bred for dog fighting. So genetically they carry the same legacy.

Pit bulls cannot tolerate and adjust with other dogs. The same sex dogs can never be tolerated by the pit bulls. But if the owner is knowledgeable and train the pit bull properly and believe me, these dogs are the best companion for the human beings.

Pit bulls are very confident of their strength. These dogs are very loving and very bright. These dogs depend on human beings more than other breeds of dogs. This can be proved beyond doubt.

The pit bulls cannot tolerate separation from the owner too long. They will show their unhappiness by developing destructive habit such as chewing, biting the other objects.

So the owner of the pit bulls needs o is very responsible person. The owner must take care of all the requirements of the pit bull which includes time spent with the animal.

The pit bulls are athletic animals. They require regular exercise to keep them in physically fit condition. Training is must for them to reduce and regulate their aggression.

As discussed earlier, these dogs cannot share the house with other dogs; hence keep only these animals as pet.

As reported in the press the pit bulls are not aggressive towards the human beings. On the contrary these pit bulls love to play with the children. Since these pit bulls are filled with energy from the head to toe, these pit bulls will be very fast and agile while playing with the children.

At times due to over excitement these pit bulls may knock the children down. This may be wrongly interpreted by the press. The pit bull lovers and the owners vouch for this. This habit is more found in young pit bull.

Pit bulls are easy to train. The reason is that these pit bulls are highly intelligent and have desire to satisfy the owner. Positive training methods are the best for the pit bulls. The punishments may at time become counter productive as these animals are highly sensitive.

The average life span of the pit bull is 12-14 years. These pit bulls will maintain their health well in most cases. Of course these dogs can have hereditary problems, displasia of the hip, parvo infection, allergies etc.

In short these pit bulls are easy to socialize and it will be a lot of fun having this at the house. These dogs are excellent for playing Frisbee and ball playing. hence one need to just brush aside the bad press about these wonderful animals and go ahead selecting these dogs for petting without any doubt in the mind.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Top ten reasons why you can’t trust vicious pit bulls

There are so many reasons for not trusting the pit bulls. Here are some for your understanding:-
  • Can you believe that pit bulls take your spot on the couch while you move from there for some reason like visit to the toilet or kitchen?

  • The pit bulls will enjoy the treat offered to them. They bury the treat in the back yard just as a paranoid person hide his/her stash.

  • The pit bulls with all his love jump on the owner with the mud on the feet in flash second. There is no other alternative but to wash the clothes again.

  • The pit bulls love to lick the visitor in an uncontrolled manner which will be liked by none.

  • The pit bulls love to play with the children and make them smile.

  • The pit bulls are athletic animals. They are full of energy. These animals will look at the owner with sad filled eyes in case if he/she fails to take him for walking which will make the owner to feel horrible.

  • These pit bulls will look you like a person who has committed a serious crime in case the dog is prevented from licking the ice cream bowl of yours.

  • These pit bulls love to show their agility in front of gathering to attract their attention. These dogs will be the cause of happiness in those gathering through their agility.

  • These pit bulls will shake their butt so vigorously in joy if they are so happy and will make you feel that the butt will snap in half.

  • These pit bulls will show lot of affection and love towards the owners and will steal the heart of the owner like a trained thief in the night.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Pit bull Training- made easy here...

The pit bulls are very aggressive and ferocious; there is no denial on this. This aggression can be mitigated to a great extend by proper training. Pit bull training is not an easy task.

Many owners are of the opinion that the pit bull training is the most difficult part of the pit bull rearing. But the training is imperative as these dogs are overly aggressive. Poorly trained dog is a potential danger to the other dogs as well as the children in the near vicinity.

The house breaking is the first lesson or step in pit bull training. The bladder of the pit bull young ones is very weak. As the result, there will be emptying of the bladder every one hour. Hence the pit bull pups must be taken out of the house for urination.

Take the puppy to the same place for urination. After some time the puppies will find out the place for urination on their own by the smell. Till the time the puppy develops the habit of going out of the house for urination, one needs to have patience. Of course it is difficult to take the dog out for urination at the night till it is on its own.

As the dogs become adults, the bladder gets strengthened and hence can hold the urine over night. There is yet training called paper training. Here the papers are spread at different places of the house and the puppies are trained to urinate on the papers. Some feel that this is not a good technique as the urine soils the house.

As these pit bulls are very athletic, they require sufficient strength and stamina. The stamina of the dog is boosted by driving and tracking. String and a ball are sufficient for this training. The trainer must show the ball the dog and after arousing the interest of the dog, the ball can be thrown on the floor. The puppy will chase the ball and try to catch it. The string can used to pull the ball back.

Pit bulls are certainly intelligent and they respond to the commands very well. Simple commands can be tried at first like the ones sit, run, catch, fetch etc. These commands needs to repeated till the dogs rightly respond, which will make the learning faster. The dogs respond to calling it by name very well. The other important training is obedient training which very essential for the life of the dog.

As discussed earlier, the training a pit bull is not a fun. The trainer requires patience and love for the animal. These dogs are highly sensitive and hence yelling must be avoided in total. If yelled these dogs may try to attack the trainer and will never obey his commands.

A very strong and bold “no” is more than enough for these dogs to stop doing the disliked activity. Continuity in training is very much required. Any break in the continuity of the training will affect the training done till that moment. Hence one may have to restart the training again.

However there are some plus points in pit bull training. The dog is made to behave well, al right. Besides that the owner too gets some exercise. This kind of mild exercise rejuvenates the owner very much. It gives the much needed diversion from the hectic routine.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Get to Know Pitbull Breeders

Pitbulls are all the rage and are highly preferred dog as far as United States of America is concerned. These dogs are loved by citizens of America because of their agility, faithfulness, strength and aggression in spite of the bad press about these dogs. Hence Pitbull breeders are more concentrated on breeding this breed of dogs.

Pitbull breeding is not all easy to perform. The breeders must be equipped with the technical expertise regarding the pitbull breeding. The breeders must be able to produce puppies that are silver or merle colored skin which is in great demand.

Likewise pitbull with red nose and pitbull with glassy blue eyes are sold like hot cakes in America. The pitbull breeders must be equipped to produce all these types of special pitbulls in order to be a successful pitbull breeder.

The best marketing medium for the pitbull puppies is the Internet. The reason is the marketing cost is less and the reach is very wide. The puppies are priced depending on the demand. The silver and merle colored pitbulls are sold at 5000 dollars. The pitbulls with drooping cheeks, wide mouth and shorter statures are priced more as they are in good demand.

In general the breeders plan their breeding program in such a way so that the fighting nature and aggressiveness is kept in tact. Some indulge in illegal dig fighting for which the pitbulls are very much wanted as they are the best fighting dogs. The breeders assign a special name to the dogs that are bred only for dog fights. The name assigned is game-bred pitbull.

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The breeders do send the male pitbulls to the house which has female pitbull for crossing. They charge few dollars for mating. This kind of breeding is called back yard breeding. The pitbull breeders do sell products that increase the strength, stamina and the reproductive ability of the dog. These products are found to be very effective and their action can be compared to the action of steroid on human beings.

A section of animal lovers do criticize these pitbull breeders and accuse them that they are working against the nature. They further elaborate that the dog breeding activity is a kind of injustice done to the dogs. These dog lovers are of the opinion that producing dog with particular trait that is so popular is kind of interference in their life.

Some breeders indulge in the practice of injective medications that are believed to arouse libido. Such medication does interfere with the hormonal balance of the dog. These substances are termed as vitalizers.

The animal lovers firmly believe that hybridization spoils the individuality of the animal. In spite of the vociferous voice of the animal lovers the pitbull breeders breed the pitbulls at normal phase. The pitbulls can be purchased from the rescue centers too, where the cost of the pitbull is much cheaper at the same time the buyer will have a sense of satisfaction that he/she has provided a home for a homeless.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Understanding Pit bulls

Pit bull is nothing but the name of breed of dog that is loved by all creeds of people especially Americans. The Americans do fear these dogs as much as they love. Dog bite incidences are more in the houses that has pit bull when compared with the houses that have other breeds. Of late, pit bulls have created paranoia among the dog lovers.

The pit bull indicates three breeds of dogs. They are Staffordshire bull terrier, American [Staffordshire] terrier, and pit bull terrier of America. This dog’s origin is United Kingdom.

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During the 19th century pit bull terrier of America was imported to America from England. American Staffordshire terrier is also called as Amstaff. This Amstaff is the variant of English bulldog. These Amstaff were known for their fighting qualities.

All these pit bulls dogs will be having short and stout body. The mouth will be wide and the tongues will be long and hanging from the mouth.

Pit bulls are one of the most energized and athletic dogs in the world. These dogs have evolved from bears. These dogs were in olden days, used by the cowboys for bull fighting.

One would have come across term “taking the bull by its nose". This term originated from the fact that these pit bulls can hold a bull by biting it in its nose. These dogs love to play with children brushing aside all their ferocious nature.

Many families who had pit bulls in their house vouch for the fact that these dogs like the children very much.

Pit bulls are very aggressive dog temperamentally; there is no doubt about that. Because of this reason some kennels breed these dogs for dog fighting show.

However, as a matter of fact such dog fights are illegal. These dogs don’t attack the other dogs instantly. Only when provoked these dogs will pounce on them and fight them terribly.

As these dogs are highly ferocious in some places these are banned from rearing. For example, these dogs are banned in Ontario of Canada. In those places the dogs that are found already are either neutered or spayed.

In some places these dogs were subjected to euthanasia also. This of course gave rise to vociferous agitation from the dog lovers all over the world. The dog lovers condemned these activities as barbarian act.

The dog lovers all over the world argued that the pit bulls are as aggressive as any other dogs. Hence killing these dogs cannot be pardoned. Besides that only the aggressive dogs can be reared in houses for protection against the predators and thief’s.

As these dogs are best suited to that instead of rewarding then killing is absolutely absurd, they argued. The intensity of the ferociousness and the aggression of these dogs can be reduced greatly by proper training.

Only the dog that bred poorly and not cared properly becomes vicious. Hence the dog lovers resort to even signature campaign to save these pit bulls from extinction. Their famous slogans is “don’t punish the breed, punish the deed.”

The pit bulls are the reason for the tug –of –war between the dog lovers and the law enforcing authorities. As the result many people are turning away to other breeds for rearing. Many people look at these pit bull breeds as monsters, but in reality they are not. The ferociousness of these dogs has put a big question mark on their future.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Pit Bull Health Care

From the moment you purchase your pit bull puppy, the most important person in both your lives becomes your veterinarian. His professional advice and treatment will ensure the good health of your pet. The vet is the first person to call when illness or accidents occur.

Do not try to be your own veterinarian or apply human remedies to canine diseases. However, just as you would keep a first aid kit handy for minor injuries sustained by members of your family at home, so you should keep a similar kit prepared for your pet.

First aid for your dog would consist of stopping any bleeding, cleaning the wound, and preventing infection. Thus your kit might contain –

  • Medicated powder
  • Gauze bandages
  • Adhesive tapes to be used in case of cuts

If the cut is deep and bleeding profusely, the bandage should not be kept in place longer than necessary, so as to take your pet to the veterinarian immediately.

Walking or running on a cut pad prevents the cut from healing. Proper suturing of the cut and regular changing of the bandages should have your pet’s wound healed in a week to ten days.

A minor cut should be covered with a light bandage, for you want as much air as possible to reach the wound. Do not apply wads of cotton to a wound, as they will stick to the area and may cause contamination