Pitbull Guide

Monday, December 31, 2007

Vicious Pit Bulls Attack Chuck

In most cases I do not have anything at all against Pit Bull dogs. I say most cases because this is the exception to that rule. There is a pack of 3 adult Pit Bulls in our neighborhood that are allowed to run free. They have terrorized the neighborhood for about a year or more.

They have chased kids, chased women into their cars and homes, and even chased one guy up a tree and kept him cornered for, according to him, almost 3 hours. Many people have called animal control on the owners several times and have gotten no help at all.

One night, these Pit Bulls attacked a beloved neighborhood dog named Chuck. At the time of the attack, he was not our dog but since the day he was attacked he has been ours. That is because the actual owners have no clue how to take care of a healthy dog, much less one that can not walk, poop, pee, or eat without a helping hand.

Now, the biggest problem with these Pit Bull dogs is, the owners. They just let the whole pack of dogs run free to do whatever they want. These dogs have already been allowed by the owners to drag a dog out of the street that was killed by a car, and eat it to the bone. We think, but have no proof, that they were also training the dogs to fight other dogs. Either way, once a Pit Bull gets a taste of blood, they are hooked and can not be turned back. That is the point at which a responsible Pit Bull owner has to take the heart wrenching step of having their dog destroyed, or risk having their dog turn on a person and then really escalate the problem, perhaps to the level of man slaughter or wrongful death.

It is not the fault of the dogs. It is the fault of the people that own them.

Chuck after treatment-

A blog about a dog that was attacked by pitbulls in my neighborhood. There is commentary on the ongoing problems with the pitbull owners as well as some light hearted fun stuff about Chuck, The Mangled Dog and his day to day life. There is also stuff about other pets and Chuck's friends. http://www.themangleddog.blogspot.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bryan_Dix

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Pitbull Adoption

Pit Bulls are the most preferred dog in America, in spite of the bad press they've been receiving lately due to the aggressive nature of some of their clan. Pit Bulls are dogs that know and understand love. So, if you can provide affection to your pet, then a Pit Bull can make a fine companion.

Pit Bulls can be purchased from breeders as well as rescue shelters. It is infinitely better to adopt a rescue dog. Dogs in rescue shelters are taken from the streets where they've been abandoned by heartless owners, or from people who have become too occupied to care for their dogs.

There are Pit Bulls who are being put to sleep just because some of their species have been involved in violent incidents. Rescue shelters also save dogs from such euthanasia and house them until some affectionate owner adopts them.

There are several missions that provide rescue dogs for adoption. They operate mostly via the Internet. Some of the prominent ones are Pit Bull Rescue Central, Bay Area Dog-lovers Responsible About Pit Bulls (BADRAP), Pit Bull Project, etc. These organizations advertise their Pit Bulls online along with whatever information they might have of their past histories and their traits. These Pit Bulls are spayed or neutered, either by the organizations themselves or by the people who turn them in to these rescue shelters. People adopting Pit Bulls from such shelters pay less than they would at a breeder's. An adult Pit Bull may be adopted for as less as $150, with papers.

It is much better to adopt an adult Pit Bull than a puppy. Though puppies may be cute to look at, they are very temperamental. They may not respond to training. Puppies are also instinctively destructive and may be difficult when their teething period sets in. any they may be dangerous around children. On the other hand, adult Pit Bulls that are adopted have tendencies to be more docile and responsive to training. It is important to remember while adopting a Pit Bull that it is the behavior of the Pit Bull that matters, not its looks. You should adopt a Pit Bull that may be suitable to your lifestyle. There are Pit Bulls that are laidback or aggressive, outgoing or homebound, etc.

Pit Bulls can also be adopted from their owners directly without the intervention of rescue shelters. However this is risky, as the owners may hide some features of their pet and exaggerate some others. Whether you opt for adopting a Pit Bull from a rescue shelter or an owner, it is necessary to ask for the requisite papers.

Finally, adopting a Pit Bull is a service to their community. It is like saving a life. Adopted Pit Bulls are much more loyal and they would look upon you as their hero who rescued them from the clutches of death.

Pitbulls provides detailed information about pitbulls, pitbull breeders, pitbull kennels, pitbull puppies and more. Pitbulls is the sister site of Dog Fleas.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kent_Pinkerton

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Keeping Cichlids

Some of the pit bull owners are prefer to rear fishes along with their pet. If you're a person who is rearing fishes along with pits, this article would be very much useful otherwise don't worry...

Cichlids are found in many different parts of the world and have adapted to a wide range of habitats and lifestyles. Proving any guidelines that will be true for all possible cichlid species is therefore impossible.

A majority of the cichlids are tropical fish species, but some are found in subtropical parts of the world. If you want to keep cichlids it is a very good idea to find out cichlids fact regarding your particular species instead of trusting broad and general tips and guidelines.

A lot of cichlid species are suitable for beginners, as long as the novice fish keeper is prepared to do some reading regarding the care of fairly aggressive fish species.

The convict cichlid is for instance an exceptionally hardy and adaptable fish that readily breeds in the captivity, but it is also a pretty aggressive creature and adding it to a community aquarium filled with docile species is not a good idea. If you have no previous experience with aggressive species, it is best to keep this fish on its own. It can however be combined with other aggressive species.

The reason why this fish can be recommended for beginners even though its an aggressive species is the fact that the Convict cichlid is extremely hardy and adaptable and will survive common beginner mistakes in the aquarium.

It will also readily breed in captivity without any specific coaxing and exhibit an interesting fry caring behaviour. The recommended temperature is 20-26°C (68-79°F) and the pH-value should ideally be kept in the 7-8 range (neutral or slightly alkaline). The Convict cichlid hails from Central America.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Hungarian Vizsla dog

The Hungarian Vizsla dog is a fairly large dog breed that can trace its ancestry back to 9th century Europe. This hunting dog is an excellent pointer and can also be trained to retrieve. It has been used by the people inhabiting the Carpathian Basin for over a millennium, but is a rare breed outside Hungary.

The Hungarian name Vizsla is known to create some confusion for English speakers and you can see a lot of misspellings online as well as offline, e.g. Wizzla, Vissla and Viszla. Since the Hungarian Viszla is such a rare breed, it is only bred by a handful of breeders world wide and can be hard to obtain.

It is hardly ever found in puppy mills, since puppy mill owners tend to favour popular breeds that are easy to sell to. This situation has naturally had a positive impact on the general dog health of the Vizsla.

The Hungarian Viszla is a good choice if you want an obedient and versatile dog that loves to spend time working together with its owner. This dog can be trained to perform a wide range of tasks. If you do not hunt on a regular basis, you must provide your Vizsla with other forms of physical and mental exercise.

This dog was breed to work hard and can easily grow bored and restless if not allowed to carry out its natural behaviours. The Vizsla will for instance love to engage in obedience training and spend time playing around outdoors.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Socializing the Pit bulls

Socializing a Pit bull is one of an important step in pit bull training. This will require an assistant to help with one of the animals.

Have the assistant leash the dog and hold him firmly on a very short leash. After instructing the assistant to maintain control of the dog, open the pet carrier and bring the new pet out carefully.

Your dog will likely move towards the animal so be sure the assistant has the dog held tightly and be careful not to let the new pet panic and escape your grasp.

Gradually bring them closer together and let them calmly adapt to each others presence.

Repeat this step several times over the next few days and by the end of the week, these two animals should be like old chums.

Another tip to remember in socializing your pit bulls is that, while the animals most likely won’t make an instant attachment to each other, there are those special pictures perfect moments that you will want to cherish a lifetime. So keep the camera handy and loaded with film. The candid shots of training at its best provide memories that will last forever.

Few things are more fun than looking at a picture of your dog with an iguana riding around the room perched on his back and telling a little white lie that you taught the two of them to do that.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Spiritual Pitbull Advice On Love- Christopher Walker

Want more intimacy with your existing partner?

The spiritual pit bull talks about intimacy. Into Me See. His guess is you mean you want more affection, touch, time and focus from your partner. And in extreme cases, more physical intimacy in the form of sex. What pushes a person away? Lets do a check list.

1/ The first thing that we need to look at is whether you are barking up the wrong tree. Is your partner with you because they love and admire and care for you, or because you are the person they made a commitment to, or because you are the parent of their child?

2/ Are you expecting someone to treat you better than you treat yourself? How do you feel when you are alone? Are you so off purpose in your life, filled with the wrong priorities and therefore totally dependent on your relationship for your happiness. You know that nobody can treat you better than you treat yourself. So, maybe, the gift of lack of intimacy with your lover is showing you that you are off track in your own life.

3/ The secret that draws people close to you, is romance and the key to romance is a single word. Wow. Wow means “I really like you” wow means “I appreciate you” Wow means “you are the best” Wow means “thank you” – so, instead of waiting for Christmas or valentines day, why not make today, the best day.

4/ I know he said 3 but here’s the last one. It’s sensitive, and politically incorrect but have you looked in the mirror lately, smelt your breath, looked at your undies, held your socks to your nose? When we first meet someone we do allot to make ourselves attractive and therefore seduce them. Then sometimes we get the idea that, once committed to a relationship, we don’t need to woo someone. This of course is not the case.

http://www.chriswalker.com.au Chris Walker is a world leading change agent, an environmentalist and author of more than 20 books. Born and bred in Australia, he consults to people and organizations throughout the world on improved relationships, health and lifestyle through the application of the Universal laws of Nature. The result he offers is that we stay balanced, share loving relationships, work with passion, enjoy success, and live our personal truth. To learn more about Chris’s work and journeys to Nepal, visit http://www.chriswalker.com.au -- http://www.chriswalker.com.au

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Christopher_Walker

Friday, November 30, 2007

Choosing the Perfect Name for Your Pit Bull - By Jason Mann

Giving your Pit Bull a name has more to it than picking one that sounds good. Choosing the perfect name is not easy and most Pit Bull owners base the name they give their dogs on their own ideal of what person a the dog should represent.

Unfortunately, Pit Bull owners choose some lousy names and this article will share how you can avoid choosing a crappy name and find the perfect name for your Pit Bull.

Many Pit Bull owners choose names like Bear or Tank or Bull or some other name that reflects the dogs strength and size.

Other owners, well, they go to the other side of the coin and choose names like softy, sugar, honey, or fluffy.

What you choose to name your dog is entirely up to you but here are a few things you may want to consider when you pick your Pit Bulls name...

1. One or two syllables. The easier it is to say the easier you will be able to use it. Your dog will learn to respond quicker to shorter names. This is based on training using shorter words.

2. The dog likes it. You can see when you dog likes a name. Say the name in a normal voice and see if your dog responds. If they ignore you, choose another name. The name should get a response without having to act like a fruitcake to entice your dog to pay attention.

3. Unique. I love unique Pit Bull names. Tank is not unique. Nor is Bear or Killer or Fluffy. Pick a name that has value to you and your dog but is unique at the same time.

Choosing the perfect name for your Pit Bull takes time and if you follow the criteria above and look around the web for lists of dog names you'll be able to find a name that suits your dog and your tastes.

In summary, choose a name that has a purpose other than telling the world your dog is strong or love-able. Names are how people tell a lot about animals so take your time to choose a name that fits your Pit Bull.

For more information about Pit Bull names try visiting PitBullLovers.com. There you will find information onpit bull health, pit bull activities and pit bull training.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Mann

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Are Pit Bulls Small Medium Dogs?

One of my clients asked me whether Pit Bull terrier could be categorized under small-medium sized dogs. I laughed and explained about the types of dogs.

American Pit bull terrier is a dog of medium to large sized as it weighs from 57 to 67 pounds. Small medium dogs should weigh between 25 and 50 pounds.

These dogs are very much fond of playing. Once you denied playing and also proper food for these dogs, it will turn into a devil. So do feed the American Pit bull terrier with raw diet for dogs. So learn training and feeding techniques from a breeder.

This diet will enhance the dog growth. The dogs love it, and you’re having fun watching them!

The ripping and chewing of the raw meat helps your pit bull to develop its shoulder, neck and jaw muscles. Commercial dog foods lack this aspect.

Still- do you think Pit bulls are small medium dogs? Yess- they’re small medium dogs till it crosses nine months because at that age only it would be at the weight below 50 pounds..(lol)

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Are Pit Bulls Killers By Je Dunn

Let me start off by stating that not all pit bulls are born dangerous. The real source of the danger lies with irresponsible ownership. These dogs are not human aggressive by nature. They are also one of the most abused breed of animals in this country.

Pit bulls are just about average for number of dog bites, and believe it or not the lovable Labrador Retriever gives the most bites per year.

Pits tend to be animal aggressive but despite what the media may have you believe they are not born killers. Human aggression is a completely separate trait from aggression toward other dogs or other animals. Dog aggression is a very common trait in pit bulls. In contrast human aggression is not. In both cases the reason is a result of breeding and training.

One of the most important things to consider before you buy a pit bull is the history of the breeder as well as how much time you have to care for the dog.

This is not a breed for couch potato’s; these dogs need a good amount of exercise. Training, love, and proper care are the keys to success with this very athletic breed.

Pit bulls are characterized by their short stocky but strong bodies. American bulldogs are larger and have a higher working drive where as pit bulls are smaller and are more animal aggressive. Still saying that all pit bulls are mean and dangerous is an uneducated generalization of this breed.

Pit bulls were originally bred for blood sports, like Bull and Badger bating and dog fighting. Although aggression towards other animals would be a desirable trait for these sports, the dog’s handlers needed to be able to reach in and separate their dogs to administer some first aid so they could continue to tear each other apart, if that makes any sense.

Because of the dog handlers need to interact with these powerful animals these fighters had to be bred to be human friendly. This is why a pit bull is a poor choice for a guard dog. They instinctively like people.

Blue pit bulls have become very much in demand and are currently the favorite color.

Most of these dogs are very intelligent, tenacious, and yes fearless. They have become the villain of choice today when it comes to viscous dog attacks, some of which are deserved.

What I have learned is that pit bulls are not born mean.

There are two things that make these dogs dangerous...

1. Ignorance

2. Bad owners.

There are currently a number of cities around the US that have or are looking to band pit bulls. But what will this accomplish?

Assuming for a moment that you ban them, the same problem owners that now raise pit bulls for all the wrong reasons will just choose other breeds: let’s say Rottweiler to abuse and train to be aggressive.

Responsible ownership and stricter breeding regulations is the only real way to address the issue of dangerous and aggressive dogs.

Discover the Shocking Truth about Pitbulls

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Pet Gift Baskets for Your Pit Bulls

Wanna share your happiness on the eve of Christmas with your pit bulls? Then, pet gift baskets are perfect fit for your pit bulls.

What are Pet Gift Baskets?

These gift baskets can be funny and easy by selecting materials with dog themes and packing them in an attractive basket.

Gift Baskets for pets are nothing but a basket decked up with ribbons, balls, fruits, flowers, etc. in order to signify warmth, cool and love for your favorite pit bull.

You can search these gift baskets on the internet and also at many local pet shops. Although you can buy online pet gift baskets from a reputed company, you can try your hand at making your own basket. at many local pet shops

Filled with delicious, preservative-free, and easily digestible treats are great choices for the dog owner on your Christmas gift list, or for your own dog.

Most of the pet owners think that it is not essential to show your concern by presenting expensive gifts like dog lover gift baskets. But still it is very necessary sometimes to show your expression. Still, why are you waiting? Go and grab the gift baskets for your pit bulls during this festive occasion or create personalized pet gift baskets.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Pit Bull Training: Attitude is Important

There is nothing more critical to the success of pit bull training than the owner’s attitude. The mindset of the trainer is more important than the equipment purchased, the exact system used, or the breed of dog involved.

Nothing can destroy the likelihood of effective dog training more quickly than an owner with the wrong outlook on the training process.

Pit bulls naturally crave and enjoy human companionship. When their human companions approach them in the right way, they are particularly receptive to learning and develop a strong desire to act in a manner that will please their master. This is why a proper attitude is exceedingly important with respect to training pit bulls. When the owner is pleasant, the dog will be pleasant.

When the owner is excited about teaching, the dog will most likely be excited about learning. Pit bulls can often reflect the attitudes and dispositions of their owners, a fact that must be kept in mind while undertaking dog training.

Additionally, the proper outlook on training pit bulls can make the experience infinitely more enjoyable for the owner. A pleasant training experience will naturally produce better instruction on the part of the trainer. Again, proper attitude will pay training dividends.

So, what is the right attitude to bring to dog training? Owners should strive to maintain a positive perspective at all times and should strive for a mood that makes the process fun for both the dog and the trainer.

Failure to approach training with such an attitude risks disaster. The proper attitude and perspective truly is the prerequisite to training success.

The owner should be positive. A positive perspective, of course, works in conjunction with any quality training method. Effective training requires positive reinforcement, and that kind of praise and affection is best administered by someone who generally presents a positive attitude.

Training will be filled with compliments, encouragement and praise. Those rewards, which are the key component to training, are more likely to be appropriately and effectively administered by a trainer with a positive disposition.

Happy Pit Bull training!!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Appropiate Toys For Your Pit Bulls

You will find it very handy and convenient to have a toy box or basket in each room that the pit bull pup spends the majority of it’s time in. (i.e. Living room, family room, kitchen, bedroom, or the room where the pup sleeps.)

One of these entertainment boxes may not be needed in all rooms, but certainly the most frequently used rooms do.

Four or five articles in each basket is a good plan. The puppy needs a variety of textures and sizes to vent out different areas of canine instinct. For example, soft , plush type toys simulate small mammals to your puppy.

Remove the toys eyes & noses for safety. If the pup was still with it’s mother instead of with you, she would be teaching it how to stalk, hunt and even perhaps ingest small mammals to survive. Those instincts are still active even though we humans provide them with an expensive, balanced diet. Therefore by allowing them to have access to furry, little stuffed toys it enables them to vent this natural instinct.

You may see your puppy stalk or sneak up on this type of toy, then pounce on it, play with it by tossing it around the floor or through the air then pounce on it again. They can spend several minutes on this procedure at one time and literally be having a ball. They will mouth the object and may even shred it pretending to eat it. If this happens, remove the article and give him another.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Pit Bull Puppy Proofing

Soft clothing articles like sneakers, leather shoes, socks and other assorted undergarments simulate soft animal like objects that are irresistible to your puppy.

To a puppy, these are play items that if left laying around, are there for his or her enjoyment, so prepare the family members to keep things off the floor as they are fair game to the pup.

Now remember we are talking about a pit bull puppy. As the dog gets older and starts bonding, these items begin to replace your presence when you are not home due to a stronger human scent that accompanies these items.

Of course, there are many, many household items that need to be removed from the puppy’s reach. Items such as pin cushions, sewing needles, household cleaners, soaps, candy dishes, pens, pencils, thumb tacks, paper clips, yarn, paint, modeling clay, crayons and the list goes on and on.

Puppy proof your home for your new puppy in the same way as you would for a toddler aged child.

That would be the best guideline anyone could give you. Decide where you would like the puppy’s bed to be. If you choose the mat beside your bed, that’s fine.

If the laundry room is your choice, that’s OK too. The important thing is to have a plan before the pup comes home. Gather a few old blankets or large towels together so that you have a reserve stockpile to pull from.

Don’t choose your next to best linens (to honor the new arrival), as the puppy will probably eat them or at least chew interesting patterns in them. All pit bull puppies chew. It’s nature’s way of reducing painful cutting and growing of baby teeth. They also chew to relieve stress from built-up energies within themselves or from simple boredom.

Pit bull puppies will chew anything, from toilet paper to gyp rock or wallboard. Preventative measures are the best method of correcting the pit bull puppy vices.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Training the Pit Bull Dog

When people think of a pit bull, they might get a picture of a ferocious canine monster ready to maul anyone who might step in his territory. This, however, is a sad misconception of what these dogs are really like. Like any other dog, pit bulls differ in temperament and personality by breed. And if trained correctly and treated well, the pit bull can become a loyal companion, great guard-dog, and a life-long friend to the person that owns him.

To avoid having your pit bull get the image of a monster around the neighborhood, train him how to behave and maybe even teach him a few tricks to impress the guests. Training a pit bull is no easy task and if you wish to succeed you will need to be consistent, patient, and have creative ways to keep your dog focused on the tasks at hand.

Being consistent means you have to train daily or at least every other day. Just like people, pit bulls forget things if they are not reinforced over long periods of time. If you randomly do training sessions twice every month, you will probably not be very successful at getting the desired result of a well-trained pit bull.

Focus these daily training sessions of about half an hour each on a specific task such as “Sit Down” or “Roll Over”. Give the dog an incentive such as a treat if he does the task correctly. This kind of positive conditioning is proven to work well with dogs over the long term.

Spend several sessions with each kind of activity or task until you are confident that your pit bull fully grasps the concept of the task and does it almost instinctively. For harder and more complex tasks, break it down into parts. For a tasks like “fetch the stick”, break it into two parts such as first getting to dog to go to the stick and only after he has mastered that part, bringing the stick back to you. A reward such as a treat for each completed step will keep your pit bull interested in the task.

The second trait you must posses when training a pit bull is patience and a willingness to work with the dog. Not having patience will lead to failure in training and even danger to the trainer. You should take it as a fact that your dog will not do everything right on the first try, or the second, or the third, or the fourth. It takes many attempts and lots of hard work to get a certain desired behavior.

Be creative and have a friend help. Give examples to the dog of what it should do when a certain command is given by imitating or having a friend imitate that command when it is given. Dogs are good at learning behaviors by example so using examples will increase the chances of success and speed up the process.

If you have patience, creativity, and consistently train your pit bull, you will be rewarded by years of friendship from a good and loyal companion. Having this in mind, it is really worth the time and effort to train your dog as it will bring you years of joy and satisfaction.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

How to Select Pit Bull Puppies?

Once you have your pit bull puppy home, you will start to develop its personality the way you want. If you know which sex you want, ask the breeder to put the other sex away to give you time to observe all the males or all the females.

Don’t pick a particular pit bull puppy just because it is the cutest! There are easy tests you can do yourself to help you determine the best choice for you.

Watch them to see which pit bull puppy is watching you, making direct eye contact with you. Take a couple steps backwards away from the puppies and look closely at who moves with you.

Next, take a few more steps from the group and clap your hands, snap your fingers or verbally call to encourage the puppies to follow.

Open your arms in a wide fashion and call to the puppies in a higher pitched voice. Again, observe the followers. These pups would be the ones interested in human beings, thus making good companion dogs.

Narrow your choices down to 2 or 3 from those couple of little tests. Next, take each puppy in your hands. Balance it’s weight by supporting it under the rear and on the chest.

Observe the pup’s reactions at this point. Is the pup struggling to break free, growling or showing it’s teeth. These are negative signs in inexperienced hands and definitely need to be corrected very early in the pup’s life.

If the pup is comfortable and relaxed, maybe even licking your face or hands, then those are positive signs and those of a more submissive pit bull puppy.

Friday, September 14, 2007

An Introduction to Train a Pit Bull Puppy

Your pit bull puppy learns at a very early age to be an acceptable member of the family and reliable companion dog. You must keep an open mind when dealing with your new puppy.

Patience is crucial but you must also think about the method that will best work for your specific puppy’s personality. Just as all people are different in character, so are puppies. What works with one pup may need to be adjusted a bit to suit your own puppy.

The important thing to remember is to discipline the puppy for an inappropriate behavior and love them to pieces the moment the behavior is altered.

Just as the human child goes through various stages of development, so does a puppy as it matures towards adulthood. (ie. infant, toddler, elementary, adolescence, puberty and finally adulthood.)

Good luck, have fun with your new puppy. The first five months will go by very quickly so start as soon as possible down that road of mutual “RESPECT” between you and your puppy.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

How Pitbull Boxer mix looks like?

Pitbull Boxer mix is usually possess glossy coating and smooth that does not need too much grooming. This mix requires physical exercise and interaction.

Do you know the Pitbull boxer mix would be loyal and protective, which could get in the way of socializing with the dog.

If you have both these breeds and try to breed them, you should aware that pups won't be accepted by other dog luvers. This mixer be stern, fair and consistent, but you will have a dangerous dog.

Pits and boxer mix will have very block heads and jaws.The jaws will definitely look more like a boxers and the head doesn't seem as big and blocky as a Pit either.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Stop Pit Bull Fighting

Do you now Pit Bulls are Great Dogs? This greatness should be rewarded with Love, Praise and Compassion. Not Death, Scars, Pain and Blood.


Pit Bulls are made to fight for game testing, pride, money or EGO. I don't have any difference in opinion some Pit Bulls love to fight. But they aren't breed for that purpose. Please think it over before letting it out for fighting...

Though dog fighters can shout till their face turns blue but they can't give oner valuable reason why Pit Bulls should be allowed to fight among themselves. Never did!

Dog owners leaned quickly that the pit bull fighting is their bread winners. It could put some extra pennies in their wallet. Thats why they allow Pit bull Fighting.

Totally, I hate Pit Bull fighting. Will you?

Friday, August 10, 2007

Control of Ringworm in Pit Bulls

Do you know ringworm is the most common disease in pit bulls? As the name implies ringworm, it is not a worm but fungi called Dermatophytes—thrives on dead skin surfaces.

Although 35 species of ringworm affect the pit bulls, 'Microsporum Canis is the main cause for ringworm.

If you notice a rapidly growing circular path of broken hair lesion on the skin, it is nothing but ringworm. If you notice dandruff-like flakes on the inflamed patches, you can confirm that your pit bull is going for ringworm infection. The common occurrence of this disease is paws, tails, ear tips and face.

The ringworm disease can easily be confirmed by your vet using ultra violet light. Once your pit bull is diagnosed with ringworm, your vet will advice to use topical medications or anti fungal pills for your pet.

You should take enough precautions to prevent the occurrence of this disease among human population, as it is an infectious disease. Use gloves while applying the topical medication on the skin of the affected pit bull. Don’t allow your kid to play with your pit bull until final recovery.

Always keep your pit bulls neat and clean! Although medication is available to cure ringworm disease in pit bulls, the slow recovery time is a real problem with this disease.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Use of Biaxin for Cold in Little Pit Pups

Do your little babies of pit bulls are suffering from colds? It is so hard with animals not to spread around what infections that they have. I would talk with your vet before putting them on this medication. Here is the information on Biaxin.

Biaxin is used to treat many different types of bacterial infections, such as stomach ulcers, skin infections, tonsillitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, and bronchitis caused by bacteria.

Now I thing you may want to do is to seperate those pups who have the colds from the healthy ones so that they are not spreading around the virus to the others.

Next check with your vet on the Biaxin and the Z-pac. There may be a reason as to why your vet prescribed the z-pac instead of Biaxin. I would almost thing that the Biaxin may be to strong for the pups. I wish you well with the recovery of your babies.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Alternatives for Rawhide Toys for Pit Bulls

As we discussed earlier rawhide toys are the top most thing to be avoided for playing pit bulls. Then, what are the alternatives for rawhide toys. The rawhide toys alternative include Nylabones, Bully sticks, and Kong toys.


Nylabones are manufactured from easily digestible object. Nylabones are a perfect substitute for hard to digest rawhide chews. These can be procured from eBay shops also!

Bully Sticks

These are prepared from Bull parts and are real natural chews. These should not be left with your Pit Bull unsupervised as the Pit Bull might swallow fully, which may lead to choking. Bully sticks can be purchased online itself.

Kong Toys

Kongs are a great alternative to the indigestible rawhide chews. Although Kong toys are not chew toys, you can fill these toys with your Pit Bulls favorite. Allow your Pit Bull to play with this toy for short spell of time. This toy should be provided to your Pit Bull with strict supervision. Otherwise, few shreds of this toy have been swallowed by the Pit Bulls.

Even you can choose any other toy for your Pit Bull other than the list provided above. But you should keep a point in your mind that the replacement for the rawhide toys should not only be a digestible but proven to be tough enough to withstand for a considerable amount of time for a pit Bull to play.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Say No to Rawhide Toys For Your Pit Bulls

Are you providing rawhide toys for your pit bulls? If your answer is “YES!!!”. This is the right article for you. Rawhide topped toys are the first and foremost toy that should be avoided for your pit bulls.

Most of the professional dog trainers know very well that selection of suitable toys for specific breed, and also maintaining safety and health. That’s why their first class is about toys to be avoided for a dog. In all the dog training classes, the demerits of providing rawhide toys are usually discussed.

Reasons for Avoiding Rawhides

Rawhide is nothing but dried leather. The common rawhide products we are using are the wallet, shoes, and belt at the departmental stores.

Rawhides are still having smell like leather hence your pit bull may sallow it immediately. Once swallowed it is very difficult to get digested (even weeks together). Some of the rawhide toys may get stuck in your pit bulls system. If left untreated, it made lead to serous consequences. Moreover rawhide toys are readily consumed not only by pit bulls but also by medium to large breed dogs.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

American Pit Bull TerrierBy John Rodgers

The american pit bull terrier originates from the introduction of English and Irish pit terriers into America during the mass immigration of the 1800's. The English dog's originated from cross breeding between terrier and bulldog breeds, the Irish dogs origins were shrouded in secrecy.

The pit bull terriers brought to America had been bred for dog fighting using the terrier breeds killing instinct and the bulldogs tenacity and powerful muscled body, they had been bred to be loyal and accepting of their human masters and were considered family dogs.

The introduction of pit bulls to America saw the breed develop as the breed was crossed with bigger dogs to produce the American pit bull terrier.

The American pit bull terrier is an exceptionally powerful dog that is instantly recognizable. The dog has a broad chunky head with large cheeks that cover extremely powerful jaw muscles and has round eyes. The neck is thick and powerful dropping to strong, wide shoulders and a deep chest. Coloration is numerous but these short haired dogs can range in color from brown, fawn to black, blue and white.

Contrary to popular opinion these dogs are not wanton killing machines, they do have violent tendencies toward other dogs but are no more violent toward people than other dog breeds. They are loyal, obedient and good with children and families. They make excellent guard dogs and are generally good with other family pets including other dogs if they have been socialized with the other pets from puppy hood.

The American pit bull generally stands between 18 and 22 inches tall, and weighs in between 10 and 50 kg, and has a few known health problems such as being prone to cataracts and congenital heart disease. American pitbulls have a life expectancy of around 12 years, have litters of about 5-10 puppies and need regular exercise to burn off excess energy. colors vary from fawn pit bulls, to blue pit bulls, red nose pit bulls and black pit bulls.

John Rodgers writes for American Pitbull at officialpitbull.info/american-pitbull

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Rodgers

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Pit bull Pet Insurance

Have you ever thought of whether pet insurance is necessary for your pit bull? YESS!!! Because "it's better to be safe than sorry." Pet insurance for pit bulls not only saves time and money but also frustration if something unfortunate happens.

Do you know insurance for dogs cover nearly 6000 illnesses? Pet insurance helps to cover unexpected deaths, to offer a reward when your dog do missing, advertising cost for giving ad in a newspaper about your missed dog, and boarding or kennel fees as a sequel of any illnesses.

Don't select any insurance company for your precious pitbulls. Analyze the company before selecting the same. Always prefer to go for lifetime coverage.

Some of the companies offer more coverage for specific breeds say, pit bull. Although this costs bit more but it is worth for you while claiming the coverage.

The best policy in pit bull pet insurance is the one, which offers cheapest among all the insurance companies.

In order to get best possible option, it is highly advisable to do necessary research before submitting a quote. Spend some time and select the coverage that is appropriate for you.

Have a pet insurance for your pit bulls and be act as a smart and responsible owner. Pit bull pet insurance is always better for this nutty dog.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Pit Bull Puppies Feeding

Feeding pit bull puppies is an important task for maintaining hale and healthy. The best food I suggest for pit bull puppies is Canidae. You can bag this from your local feed store. It is economical - $35 for a 40 lb. It comes to 88 cents per pounds. Hence if you are seeking for a high quality food with low price. Then Canidae is the perfect choice. This feed is rich in herring meal, lamb meal, turkey meal, chicken meal, and human grade chicken.

Nature Puppy Formula

The meat sources of this puppy feed are chicken, lamb meal, and chicken meal. The peculiarity of this feed is it is rich in garlic, which helps to ward off fleas. You can get this feed at Petsmart.

Solid Gold Hundchen Flocken Puppy Food

This feed is rich in fishmeal, lamb meal and lamb. The bost of a bag is $41 per 33 lb bag. You can procure them in Petco.

Other pit bull puppy feed available in the market are California Natural Puppy Food, Orijen Puppy food, and Fromm Puppy Gold. All these feed are rich in fish meal, salmon meal, northern white fish, turkey meal, chicken meal, duck meal and Lamb meat. In adition to these ingredients, some of the pitbull puppy feed is rich in organic minerals, tonic herbs and probiotics.

As these feeds don't contain corn in them, you can see some good results with muscle and coat definition. Once you try any one of these feeds, your pit bull terrier pup will develop shining coat and awesome muscle definition.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Are Pit Bulls Killers By Je Dunn

Let me start off by stating that not all pit bulls are born dangerous. The real source of the danger lies with irresponsible ownership. These dogs are not human aggressive by nature. They are also one of the most abused breed of animals in this country.

Pit bulls are just about average for number of dog bites, and believe it or not the lovable Labrador Retriever gives the most bites per year.

Pits tend to be animal aggressive but despite what the media may have you believe they are not born killers. Human aggression is a completely separate trait from aggression toward other dogs or other animals. Dog aggression is a very common trait in pit bulls. In contrast human aggression is not. In both cases the reason is a result of breeding and training.

One of the most important things to consider before you buy a pit bull is the history of the breeder as well as how much time you have to care for the dog.

This is not a breed for couch potato’s; these dogs need a good amount of exercise. Training, love, and proper care are the keys to success with this very athletic breed.

Pit bulls are characterized by their short stocky but strong bodies. American bulldogs are larger and have a higher working drive where as pit bulls are smaller and are more animal aggressive. Still saying that all pit bulls are mean and dangerous is an uneducated generalization of this breed.

Pit bulls were originally bred for blood sports, like Bull and Badger bating and dog fighting. Although aggression towards other animals would be a desirable trait for these sports, the dog’s handlers needed to be able to reach in and separate their dogs to administer some first aid so they could continue to tear each other apart, if that makes any sense.

Because of the dog handlers need to interact with these powerful animals these fighters had to be bred to be human friendly. This is why a pit bull is a poor choice for a guard dog. They instinctively like people.

Blue pit bulls have become very much in demand and are currently the favorite color.

Most of these dogs are very intelligent, tenacious, and yes fearless. They have become the villain of choice today when it comes to viscous dog attacks, some of which are deserved.

What I have learned is that pit bulls are not born mean.

There are two things that make these dogs dangerous...

1. Ignorance

2. Bad owners.

There are currently a number of cities around the US that have or are looking to band pit bulls. But what will this accomplish?

Assuming for a moment that you ban them, the same problem owners that now raise pit bulls for all the wrong reasons will just choose other breeds: let’s say Rottweiler to abuse and train to be aggressive.

Responsible ownership and stricter breeding regulations is the only real way to address the issue of dangerous and aggressive dogs.

Discover the Shocking Truth about Pitbulls

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Je_Dunn

Friday, June 29, 2007

Pitbulls For Sale By Kent Pinkerton

Selling pit bulls is becoming more difficult, given the current spate of bad press against the dogs' violent outbursts. Owners want to get rid of their pets. Add to that the fact that pit bull breeders and kennels report a surplus, and the supply of pit bulls continues to be greater than the demand.

Pit bull kennels have their own websites through which they make sales. People who wish to buy pit bulls register on these sites and get updates from time to time. Those wishing to sell their pit bulls advertise in classifieds online or in newspapers.

While placing an advertisement to sell a pit bull, it is necessary to mention size and build and color as well as specific physical details like patches on fur and color of nose and eyes.

Sellers also mention their pit bulls' temperaments. Usually words like sociable, child-friendly, people-friendly, aggressive are used. Pedigreed animals definitely find a mention of their lineages and even pictures of them if possible. Naturally, they demand much higher prices than mongrels. It is very essential to mention whether the dog has papers or not. Similarly, it is necessary to state whether the dog has had its shots.

The favorites appear to be blue-nosed pit bulls, as well as silver and merle-colored pit bulls. A blue nosed pit bull may fetch as much as $1000 or more. In fact, pit bull breeders sometimes breed pit bulls for their color or for other traits such as aggressiveness or width and girth. Such custom-bred pit bulls are sold for higher prices.

The average asking price for a normal pit bull is a couple of hundred dollars. Puppies are more expensive than adults as they are more in demand. People also breed their female dogs with hired studs from kennels and then sell the puppies in the market. This is called as backyard breeding. Some adult pit bulls are available for even as low as $50.

Pitbulls provides detailed information about pitbulls, pitbull breeders, pitbull kennels, pitbull puppies and more. Pitbulls is the sister site of Dog Fleas.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kent_Pinkerton

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Pitbull Vs Raccoon

Normally all the pitbulls like to chase deer, groundhogs, raccoons, rabbits, and birds as they are naturally inclined to hunt other animals.

Once a coon break into my neighbors pitbull kennel, the dog chased it like anything until it kills the coon. The pitbull ripped the raccoon to shreds then ate it. I could see fur everywhere. I may think pitbulls dislike coons than any other prey.

Being a pit has nothing to w/it! Generally raccoons are vermin! Most of the dogs try to remove vermin especially coon. As coons are only 10-13 lbs, most of the dogs try to eliminate it as far as possible.

I heard most of the dogs would kill coons. But my neighbor’s pitbull killed and ate the coon. Eating the coon is kinda odd. Pitbulls chase the other animals to protect the property or the coon entered the dog’s territory.

Now, if this pitbull shows the same aggression towards people, it is really a problem to the owner. Otherwise, it was just because that’s what they do.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Chocolate Pitbulls- Is it Really Available?

While deciding on a pitbull, you may get confused to select brands and breeds of pitbull. Is there any such difference? Yesss!!! The pitbulls are named after their color-brindle pitbulls, blue nosed pitbulls, chocolate pitbulls etc.

Why are you chasing behind the chocolate pitbulls? Is there any specific reason? In order to create mass demand of the new named thing-some of the names are being created.
Chocolate pitbulls are nothing but the dog with dark brown coat, which varies from deep chocolate color. The color is the only difference between that and other kinds of pitbullls.

Even different breeds of pitbulls such as Lion Head pitbulls and Alligator Pitbulls bears chocolate brown color is termed as chocolate pitbulls.

Although pitbulls possesses thousand breeds and strains, when all of these categories possess chocolate color, then it is termed as chocolate pitbulls.

As bottom line, it is really true that most of the peoples are really scared of this chocolate pitbulls than any other colored pitbulls. Most of the prestigious pitbull owners possess these type of dogs only! What about you?

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Facts On Blue Pitbulls By Trevor Albinez

The rise in popularity of blue pitbulls has been on the rise the past decade with the ever-increasing interest in the dogs themselves. The interest is spawned from the media coverage that a pitbull gets when it attacks someone however; this fact is pretty uncommon also. It’s hard to say how many people are attacked by pitbulls in a year because many are owners attacked and go largely unreported however, on average in the United States there are only a reported 3-4 cases a year. There is no reason to speculate on why or try to understand why these things happen but blue pitbulls haven’t been an issue, yet.

What is a Blue Pitbull?

A blue pitbull is a pitbull is interbred with another species of pitbull to achieve the desired effects such as a blue pitbull. In Ireland many hundreds of years ago, the breeders wouldn’t allow this practice to happen because they kept pedigrees a secret and it was thought of as a highly protected secret. This ties in to blue pitbulls because when the gene pool is relatively small it can increase recessive traits such as blue pitbulls. The blue pitbull is just a dilution of black that looks blue to the human eye and the regular pitbull started getting variety called the blue pitbull. Its imperative to realize having said this that sometimes breeding these dogs to one another for too many generations can cause unknown and known problems and perhaps this is the case of excessive aggression displayed in some blue pitbulls.

How Can I Get a Blue Pitbull and What is the Cost?

A blue pitbull can be extremely hard to locate because they are very rare and in high demand so its not a common thing to find one. Most pitbull breeders, if they have a blue pedigree will constantly try to breed them to produce more but there is no guaranteed equation to make a blue pitbull. The breeders try to have them but due to these reasons it is sometimes a lengthy wait to acquire this rare pet. The general rule of thumb in trying to find a blue pitbull is to put your name on a waiting list and then once they become available you can go and have your pick of the litter.

For a price. Blue pitbulls are extremely expensive and depending on how many dogs were in the litter, and what order of litter picking you are, the price can be even more inflated for first choice, second choice and so on. Blue pitbulls can be upwards of two thousand dollars and usually a down payment is required much like buying a house.

To learn more about ‘Pit Bulls’ or more specifically ‘Blue Pitbulls', then check out PitBullSuccess.com – A comprehensive resource covering every topic about pit bulls. Loads of information including articles, pictures, books and more... Take a look for yourself at http://www.pitbullsuccess.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Trevor_Albinez

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Pitbull Vs Children

Do you think pit bulls are unsafe for children? Any breed of dog can be a danger to your child if it is not properly brought up or unstable in temperament.

If you own a pit bull with the following characters, you can simply believe him/her. The good habits include outgoing, confident, friendly and nice dog. If your dog is snappy or fearful, you can believe her cent percent.

If you 're buying the pit from a responsible breeder or the one who teaches dog manners, you can prefer the dog along with your children. If you're purchasing a pup from a owner who owns the pit bulls for pride, it is really a tough job for you to bring up the dog in a nice manner.

Pit bulls are awesome family dogs. In general, pit bulls are wonderfully sweet dogs especially around children. If they are taught to be mean, they will be mean. Its all in how you raise them…any dog could be violent.

Be cautious!!! A pit bull can be an excellent item for a child to grow up with. Or it can be a disaster.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

White Pitbulls - Why Are White Pitbulls so Much Better? - By Bill Gunning

There are many different names for pitbulls including white pitbulls; black pitbulls, red pitbulls and those are only to mention a few of the most popular sough after pitbulls. These are not an indication of the type of dogs they are or what mannerisms they might display as they are only to label the colours that the pitbulls are bred to be. White pitbulls are not typically sought after as red or blue pitbulls are however, white pitbulls are among the most popular colours.

There are many white pitbulls that fit under the classification of moo moo pitbulls as they are patterned somewhat like a dairy cow with a most often prominent black patch that covers the entire area of one of the pitbulls eyes. This indicates a Moo Moo pattern of the white pitbull. These are the most popular and sought after of the white pitbulls and are surprisingly common which may be due to the fact that breeders tend to breed more of these by accident when trying to breed other popular colors.

The Pitbull Stigma

There is a huge negative stigma that is now attached to those who own pitbulls as well against pitbulls themselves and it is undeserved typically. The American Temperament Society does testing on dogs every year and every year the pitbull comes back ranking in better temperament than most other breeds. Even the little white poodle has a more aggressive behavior pattern than that of the white pitbull and any other pitbull in general speaking. In fact, this society tests all kinds of dogs including the popular Border Collie, Dachshund, Pomeranian and even the Beagle have temperaments that are much less desirable than that of the pitbull however the average home doesn’t think twice about introducing a new member from these breeds into their homes.

With that said accompanied by the knowledge that the white pitbulls are just a color grouping more than anything, it should be noted that you should seriously consider if a white pitbull or any other pitbull is the right pet for you. It should depend on your ability to provide healthy exercise that is abundant and daily as exercise is extremely important to a pitbulls health and well being. It is similarly imperative that you have a big enough area within your living quarters as well as outside to provide your white pitbulls with plenty of room. Always be a diligent and responsible pitbull owner so the stigma can be overcome of the pitbull who has unjustly received a horrible reputation.

If you want to learn more about brindle pitbulls please visit our site which is free to the public. You'll find the best tips on everything to do with pitbulls

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bill_Gunning

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Effect of Steroids in Pit bulls

Are you one among the persons who believe that pit bull should be banned? If so, you're not quite understand or embrace this rare animal. Pit bull is not only the dog that attacks more young children or adults than any other breed.

Most of the pit bulls have been picked up and used against owners because most of the owners inject the steroids to them. Once the steroids are provided, the pit bulls beefed up and extremely strong and many people use the dog in weight pulling.

The effect of the steroids is more or less similar to that of human being. The pit bull with steroid injected showed behavioral problems as well as profuse anger. Unlike humans, pit bulls are also not trustworthy when they are on this type of mind-altering drug and powerful body.

As a responsible owner, you should not subject your pit bull for steroid injection. Moreover, some of the nutritional supplements contain steroids for showing enormous growth. Hence these nutritional supplements should be avoided.

Avoiding cheap dog foods may hamper the effect of steroids. Selection of proper supplement with vitamins and creatine always help your pit bull as a docile dog than any other breed. ALL THE BEST!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Submissive Urination in Pitbull Puppies

Although there are many puppy problems like nipping and chewing and urination when getting overexcited, submissive urination was found to be a big problem with your pit bull puppies. This problem is more common in pitbull puppies of six months of age or younger.

Submissive urination is nothing but your pit bull puppy tends to bend and urinate when you move towards him. Don't confuse yourself this behavior with a potty training problem.

This behavior will get worsen once you punish your puppy for this act or using negative reinforcements. When your pit bull puppy feels intimidated or scared, submissive urination in pitbulls may occur.

How to Solve this Problem?

1. Go close to your puppy calmly.
2. Crouch down and try not to tower over him-so that you're not scaring him.
3. To divert his concentration away from whatever is causing submissive urination.
4. Try offering your puppy a treat next time, if he begins to urinate.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Mysterious Black Pitbulls By Bill Gunning

Although there is a very large variety in the colours available to get pitbulls, black pitbulls are often the colour that is most popular. The reasons for this are that the black pitbulls are often mistaken for the blue pitbulls depending on the deepness of the black as well as the breeding background. Black is also just a popular and very common colour for any species of dog to be and black pitbulls are no exception to the rule.

The black pitbulls are also the least expensive of all the colors because it is the most common, which is a definite reason that they are also much more commonly seen as well as the most often bought pitbull. The custom coloring of a pitbull is very expensive and can be in the neighborhood of 3-5, 000 dollars American. They are extremely expensive dogs and at the same time can explain how black pitbulls have come to be the most preferred pitbull of all the colors available. The initial cost of the dogs sometimes frighten people away from the pitbulls so the common black pitbull is a welcome financial relief.

Knowing The Pitbull

There is a rather immense negative attachment associated with pitbulls, it is largely a reputation that the pitbull itself cannot accept wholly as many pitbull owners are extremely abusive and do not socialize the dogs so it does not become a human aggressor. If you are seeking a black pitbull it is a good idea to know about the pitbulls history and how they interact with humans before you believe the propaganda on television regarding pitbulls. They are one of the most loving dogs and among the rankings of temperaments, the pitbull is at the very top of the lists including poodles who demonstrate a much higher aggression level than pitbulls display.

Be encouraged to go out and have a look at the rather affordable black pitbulls after you have done some extensive research on the dog breed itself so that you are completely educated to what your new potential pet requires from you. It is highly imperative that you are able to provide ample exercise on a daily basis for you new black pitbull as well as provide a large enough living space for the dogs to comfortably thrive. It is of the utmost importance that you are acquiring a pitbull for the right reasons so if you show an indication of being an aggressive owner or one that may mistreat the dogs, the pitbull breeder is likely to turn you away empty handed.

If you want to learn more about blue nose pitbulls please visit our site which is free to the public. You'll find the best tips on everything to do with pitbull fighting

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bill_Gunning

Monday, May 07, 2007

Pit Bull Training And What You Need To Know Before You Start Training by Mikee Dunn

Few dogs are as tricky to train as a Pit Bull. When it comes to pit bull training, everything has to be just right, or things can get ugly down the road. This is something that I had to learn through trial and error unfortunately as a professional dog trainer and breeder. It doesn’t have to be this way however, and Pit Bulls are fantastic dogs that are extremely intelligent, but there are certain ways that they need to be trained and things you have to look out for.

Pit Bulls seem to have acquired a bad reputation in today’s society for their overly aggressive behavior, but the truth is that this kind of behavior from Pit Bulls is extremely rare, and only comes from owners who do not know the basics of Pit Bull training. It doesn’t have to be this way, and in my long time experience as a dog trainer and breeder this situation can be completely avoided, which makes way to a very loving, affectionate and loyal Pit Bull.

Here are some things that you just simply NEED to know before you even start training your Pit Bull:

The American Pit Bull is a dog with a very strong, yet gentle spirit; it’s an animal whose loyalty and unmatched desire to please its owner make it a top choice for many pet owners. It is an extremely intelligent animal, to the point where it understands the difference between playing with adults and playing with kids, and will vary its degree of gentleness.

However, even with all these admirable characteristics in the Pit Bull, if you handle Pit Bull training in the wrong way, it is almost certain to cause serious problems. There are two main causes for a Pit Bull who is overly aggressive and uncontrollable; either the owner has not trained him/her in a way that is specific to the breed; or the owner hasn’t trained the dog at all.

I can not stress it enough, when it comes to Pit Bulls, proper training of the breed is more essential then any other breed. If you take the time and effort to properly train you’re Pit Bull based on certain principles that are particular to this breed, you will reap the amazing rewards that come with having a well trained and mannered Pit Bull. It will be worth every ounce of effort and every single penny you put into making sure you undergo proper Pit Bull training.

As a professional in this field, I very strongly recommend that you seek out more information right after this article. You’re Pit Bull training is extremely important, and I’ve seen first hand what happens when it’s ignored or not performed in the proper way. Please, as a very serious dog lover, don’t let this happen to you’re pet, do it right…I promise it will pay off!

Pit Bulls are not the easiest dogs to investigate, good valuable and in depth information can be very scarce, especially in the area of pitbull training I promise you, based on all my years of experience that if you don’t take the necessary steps to educate yourself on this or any breed, you’ll end up paying the price in the long run, you owe it to yourself and you’re future pet. http://www.squidoo.com/pitbulltraining/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mikee_Dunn

Friday, May 04, 2007

Training a Pit Bull - Your One Stop Guide for Pitbull Information -By Sagi Venkata Ramana

The Pit Bull is amongst the most misunderstood and unfairly blamed amongst the breed of dogs. However as many owners would vouch, it is as good as any other breed and also makes for a good and obedient pet.

The owners of the Pit Bull have now realized the need to dispel the wrong notions and the negative portrayal in the media. Towards this end, many owners of this breed are making a sincere effort to train their dogs.

As we all know a trained dog is not only a source of great joy and strength to its owner, but it also will send a good and positive signals to the people who come into contact with it. The Pit Bull needs a bit of specialized handling and training. The task is however not difficult though it requires hard work and patience on the part of its handler and trainer.

Training for a Pit Bull like other breeds should begin early. The pup can begin training from two months and formal training can commence from 3-6 months. There are several training methods for Pit Bulls. Selecting the right method is the key to getting the desired results. Selection the right method depends on the temperament of the dog and the kind of training that is most suitable for it.

However it is important to remember that the best method of teaching a dog is still the reward and appreciation method. Teach a dog to obey you commands and reward it suitably. The reward need not always be in the form of a bone or some thing to eat but it can also be by way of petting and appreciation.

A Pit Bull can be as good as or bad as any other bred. However, the negative portrayal of this particular breed in the media has done a lot of damage to it. A large amount of blame is unfair on this poor animal. So it is now up to the owners of this breed to dispel all the wrong notions about this particular breed by proving that all the negative publicity is not correct.

A concerted effort by the proud owners of this much maligned breed will go a long way in not only dispelling the false notions about this breed but also help it in regaining the trust and confidence of the people. So raise your pit Bull with love, affection and discipline and enjoy its great company.

Venkata Ramana is a pitbull dog Lover since childhood. Also Visit his bernese mountain dog website and discover how you can make boxer dog the happiest, loving dog alive, Running healthily with you.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sagi_Venkata_Ramana

Monday, April 30, 2007

How is Your Pit Bull's Diet - Dog Nutrition Tips By Tim Amherst

Part of being a loving, responsible Pit Bull owner is providing him with the proper diet to ensure he stays healthy. Many owners believe just because they purchase the most expensive brands of dog food for their Pit Bull that he is getting all of the vitamins and nutrients he needs, but often times, that is not the case. Humans can’t meet all of their nutritional requirements by eating one particular food, and neither can your Pit Bull. You are the one who is in control of this day to day aspect of your Pit Bull’s life, so essentially his health is up to you.

It is important to try to make sure your Pit Bull’s diet consists of all the vitamins and nutrients he needs to be healthy. A lack of vital vitamins and nutrients can cause your Pit Bull to have stomach problems, bones that break easily, and have weight problems. You can take the best care of your Pit Bull, but if he doesn’t have a proper diet, it isn’t going to make any difference. Diet also plays a role in your dog’s ability to fight off disease and infection, much the same as it does with humans. Your veterinarian can help made recommendations to help you provide the best diet possible for your Pit Bull.

When purchasing food for your Pit Bull, you should get a variety. Mixing up dry food and canned food will help give you a good mixture of ingredients and nutritional value that should help you to cover all the bases. Your dog will also enjoy the different textures of the food. They also enjoy bones and meant flavored treats.

Pit Bulls prefer dog foods made of meat, as they are primarily carnivores. Meat is a good source of energy and helps your Pit Bull grow, but he also needs fiber and carbohydrates to help with food absorption.

Many Pit Bulls also love to eat vegetables, hard to believe, huh? Check with your veterinarian first to make sure it is okay, then try it out. If your Pit Bull likes them, he will be getting plenty of additional vitamins and nutrients that dog food alone may not offer. It will also help to add some variety into his diet.

Making certain your Pit Bull’s diet is up to par is one of your responsibilities as a loving owner. It is important to talk to your veterinarian to see what his thoughts are and what he recommends, but whatever you decide, your Pit Bull’s health depends on you making smart choices on his behalf.

To learn all about American Pitbull Terriers and training a Pitbull, visit http://www.pitbullsrevealed.com/ today.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tim_Amherst