An Introduction to Train a Pit Bull Puppy
Your pit bull puppy learns at a very early age to be an acceptable member of the family and reliable companion dog. You must keep an open mind when dealing with your new puppy.
Patience is crucial but you must also think about the method that will best work for your specific puppy’s personality. Just as all people are different in character, so are puppies. What works with one pup may need to be adjusted a bit to suit your own puppy.
The important thing to remember is to discipline the puppy for an inappropriate behavior and love them to pieces the moment the behavior is altered.
Just as the human child goes through various stages of development, so does a puppy as it matures towards adulthood. (ie. infant, toddler, elementary, adolescence, puberty and finally adulthood.)
Good luck, have fun with your new puppy. The first five months will go by very quickly so start as soon as possible down that road of mutual “RESPECT” between you and your puppy.
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