Pitbull Guide

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Pit Bull Puppy Proofing

Soft clothing articles like sneakers, leather shoes, socks and other assorted undergarments simulate soft animal like objects that are irresistible to your puppy.

To a puppy, these are play items that if left laying around, are there for his or her enjoyment, so prepare the family members to keep things off the floor as they are fair game to the pup.

Now remember we are talking about a pit bull puppy. As the dog gets older and starts bonding, these items begin to replace your presence when you are not home due to a stronger human scent that accompanies these items.

Of course, there are many, many household items that need to be removed from the puppy’s reach. Items such as pin cushions, sewing needles, household cleaners, soaps, candy dishes, pens, pencils, thumb tacks, paper clips, yarn, paint, modeling clay, crayons and the list goes on and on.

Puppy proof your home for your new puppy in the same way as you would for a toddler aged child.

That would be the best guideline anyone could give you. Decide where you would like the puppy’s bed to be. If you choose the mat beside your bed, that’s fine.

If the laundry room is your choice, that’s OK too. The important thing is to have a plan before the pup comes home. Gather a few old blankets or large towels together so that you have a reserve stockpile to pull from.

Don’t choose your next to best linens (to honor the new arrival), as the puppy will probably eat them or at least chew interesting patterns in them. All pit bull puppies chew. It’s nature’s way of reducing painful cutting and growing of baby teeth. They also chew to relieve stress from built-up energies within themselves or from simple boredom.

Pit bull puppies will chew anything, from toilet paper to gyp rock or wallboard. Preventative measures are the best method of correcting the pit bull puppy vices.