Pitbull Guide

Monday, March 03, 2008

Thinks to Think Before Whelping of Your Dog

Whelping for pit bull is also a difficult task for the mother. You should know the symptoms of whelping as well as when to call a vet before starting breeding your pit bull.

Signs of Pit Bull Whelping

Most of the expectant mother goes off her food between one or two days before birth. She will seek the whelping box and also restless. Before starting labor pain her water bag ruptured, leaving a puddle of fluid, which can be mistaken for urine.

At early stage of labor, the contractions are simple but they soon become firm and productive. The first puppy should be delivered within two hours, then subsequent pit bull puppies at intervals between ten and eight minutes.
Things to be seen while giving birth

Hearing a puppy cry, the mother retrieves it from where it has wandered and carries it back to the litter. Mothers will only respond to crying. If a youngster wanders off and does not cry, the mother may abandon it.

Most of the dog breeds do not start feeding their litter until after the last delivery. Make sure that there is one placenta delivered for each pit bull puppy.

As the bitch feeds her litter, she licks one of her puppies. She will lick each pit bull puppies' ano-genital area to initiate defecation and urination. The mother will consume all the body waste of the puppies for the next three weeks.

When to call a vet

You should let the vet know when a delivery is under way in case of any emergencies. Get medical advice if contractions have not begun within two hours of the water breaking, or if a puppy has not emerged after 15 minutes. Non-productive labor may mean a breech birth or large pit bull puppies. Cesarean delivery is common for breeds with small litters of puppies.

The mother should settle down after giving birth to puppies. It allows the litter to suckle together for the first time. Contact the vet if the mother cannot produce sufficient milk.


Anonymous 1:19 AM  


That's are very lovely and beautiful.