Choosing the Perfect Name for Your Pit Bull - By Jason Mann

Unfortunately, Pit Bull owners choose some lousy names and this article will share how you can avoid choosing a crappy name and find the perfect name for your Pit Bull.
Many Pit Bull owners choose names like Bear or Tank or Bull or some other name that reflects the dogs strength and size.
Other owners, well, they go to the other side of the coin and choose names like softy, sugar, honey, or fluffy.
What you choose to name your dog is entirely up to you but here are a few things you may want to consider when you pick your Pit Bulls name...
1. One or two syllables. The easier it is to say the easier you will be able to use it. Your dog will learn to respond quicker to shorter names. This is based on training using shorter words.
2. The dog likes it. You can see when you dog likes a name. Say the name in a normal voice and see if your dog responds. If they ignore you, choose another name. The name should get a response without having to act like a fruitcake to entice your dog to pay attention.
3. Unique. I love unique Pit Bull names. Tank is not unique. Nor is Bear or Killer or Fluffy. Pick a name that has value to you and your dog but is unique at the same time.
Choosing the perfect name for your Pit Bull takes time and if you follow the criteria above and look around the web for lists of dog names you'll be able to find a name that suits your dog and your tastes.
In summary, choose a name that has a purpose other than telling the world your dog is strong or love-able. Names are how people tell a lot about animals so take your time to choose a name that fits your Pit Bull.
For more information about Pit Bull names try visiting There you will find information onpit bull health, pit bull activities and pit bull training.
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