Are Pit Bulls Killers By Je Dunn
Pit bulls are just about average for number of dog bites, and believe it or not the lovable Labrador Retriever gives the most bites per year.
Pits tend to be animal aggressive but despite what the media may have you believe they are not born killers. Human aggression is a completely separate trait from aggression toward other dogs or other animals. Dog aggression is a very common trait in pit bulls. In contrast human aggression is not. In both cases the reason is a result of breeding and training.
One of the most important things to consider before you buy a pit bull is the history of the breeder as well as how much time you have to care for the dog.
This is not a breed for couch potato’s; these dogs need a good amount of exercise. Training, love, and proper care are the keys to success with this very athletic breed.
Pit bulls are characterized by their short stocky but strong bodies. American bulldogs are larger and have a higher working drive where as pit bulls are smaller and are more animal aggressive. Still saying that all pit bulls are mean and dangerous is an uneducated generalization of this breed.
Pit bulls were originally bred for blood sports, like Bull and Badger bating and dog fighting. Although aggression towards other animals would be a desirable trait for these sports, the dog’s handlers needed to be able to reach in and separate their dogs to administer some first aid so they could continue to tear each other apart, if that makes any sense.
Because of the dog handlers need to interact with these powerful animals these fighters had to be bred to be human friendly. This is why a pit bull is a poor choice for a guard dog. They instinctively like people.
Blue pit bulls have become very much in demand and are currently the favorite color.
Most of these dogs are very intelligent, tenacious, and yes fearless. They have become the villain of choice today when it comes to viscous dog attacks, some of which are deserved.
What I have learned is that pit bulls are not born mean.
There are two things that make these dogs dangerous...
1. Ignorance
2. Bad owners.
There are currently a number of cities around the US that have or are looking to band pit bulls. But what will this accomplish?
Assuming for a moment that you ban them, the same problem owners that now raise pit bulls for all the wrong reasons will just choose other breeds: let’s say Rottweiler to abuse and train to be aggressive.
Responsible ownership and stricter breeding regulations is the only real way to address the issue of dangerous and aggressive dogs.
Discover the Shocking Truth about Pitbulls
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