Are you aware the pit bulls indulge in poo eating? Yeah, it is the chronic behavior of most of the pit bulls. The reason for this behavior is mostly deficiency of nutrients in the diet provided for the pit bull.
There are number of deficiencies that can result in the poo eating. The proper reason can be fund out by performing simple faces check or blood check. Once the deficiency is diagnosed, by proper supplementation of that particular deficiency, the poo eating problem can be sorted out once for all.
The poo eating can be a behavioral problem too. But one has to properly diagnose the reason for the poo eating. It is advisable to seek the help of the vet to avoid the wrong diagnosis. Wrong diagnosis will lead to waste of money and time, you are aware of it.
Let us discuss about the poo eating prevention tactics here....
Decrease the chance- one should know how many times the pit bull indulge in poo eating in a day. Then one should aim at reducing the chances. In order to do that, the poo should be collected and removed from the place as soon as possible. If you have the habit of taking the pit bull for walking, then take him to a place where there is no poo for his bowel movements. if the dog get the poo from the back yard , then clean the back yard as many times as possible.
Oversee outing-the pet owner should personally supervise the pit bull while taking it for a walk and the dog should never be let alone for even a minute. Try and avoid the dog recreation area where the dog can be left free. There is a possibility of getting in to the poo eating for the pit bull. Hence such places need to be avoided at least for a while till that habit it eradicated.
Negative stimulus-the unpleasantness of poo eating should be linked as much as possible to the pit bulls best moments. One can think of using noise maker or squirt bottle at the time of pit bull attempting the poo eating. These equipments should be used right at the moment; a moment early or latter will not serve the required purpose. Because the pit bull may get puzzled if the equipments were used at in appropriate time.
Deterrents- there are so many deterrents available which can be used to prevent the pit bull from eating the poo. Red pepper cayenne or sour apple can be sprayed on and around the poo which will deter the dog from indulging in pit bull. The dog can be given pumpkin in the meal. The pumpkin in the diet will ensure that the poo is uncomfortable to re ingest, thus deterring the poo eating. There are so many commercial deterrents available in the market but one should be careful about the ingredients used in it. It is always better to go natural way to avoid poo eating.